The Best Way To Promote Apsense Is To NOT Promote It At All!

What you need is a free incentive to offer people so they will subscribe to your list. Once they're on your list, you can promote Apsense directly to them and get a better response too.  People have to see something several times before they will take any action.  They have to ponder it and then they decide to take action and opt in to your list to find out what you're offering.

Write 5 Things People Want To Know About Social Networking.

Create a short report on the best ways to use social networking and offer it as an incentive to join your list. You only need 5 items or tips you can share with them about getting the most from the social sites like Apsense.    Because you are sharing tips with them, you can include your Apsense invite link in each of the letters that goes out to your subscribers on your list.  Those that are interested in social media and business social networks will love to join Apsense and use all the great features and advertising Apsense has to offer.

If you would like to find out how to easily build your list and
get more Apsense referrals, use the link below.
Click here to get my free report that explains everything you need to know.

Joe Sansoucie
Superb Text Advertising
Traffic Surge

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