How About A Money Making Course?
Here is your money making course.

Ignore what everyone including all the Guru's tell you, find a good affiliate program or online business you like and feel you could stay with for years.

Join lots of networking site, forums, communities that allow you to advertise free and advertise every day.

Join surf for traffic exchanges and surf the good ones every day. Join more every day and stop surfing ones that don't send traffic.

Visit Vista Print and get lots of free business cards and brochures and give them out. Promote offline also.

Write or use supplied articles and publish them online in free article sites.

Get your own web hosting and learn html and make your own web doorway pages. It took me 10 day to learn to make my own web pages at html goodies com.

You don't need to do anything other than this, but you will still have to wait 90 days minimum until you build enough traffic to make sales and perhaps a year till you make sales every day. You need thousands of visitors a day to make regular sales from web site businesses.

You can try anything you like to promote your site but do not spend money on any programs.
The way to make good income online is not to spend money promoting, spend time only.

The only think you should spend money on is hosting and that is dirt cheap.

Spend money if you have to on business cards.

If the opportunity you choose is one where you must pay, that's O.K. as long as you can get your money back quickly.

If you purchased a good offline business you should get your money back in two years of profit.

With a good online business you should recover your initial investment within 3 months.

Hope this helps.
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