As a business and technology consultant, I get a lot of questions about the profitability of certain businesses and sectors. At the top of the list? It's always cell phones and accessories.

A smart business person can see that there is a lot of money to be made in the cell business, but with all the messy contracts, user gripes, billing issues and other problems, it often seems like more trouble than it is worth. However, I found a way to add cell phones and accessories to my business without all of the mess.

I became an independent agent for one of the largest cell sites on the internet, and built a small but dedicated clientele around that service. The best part is, I take customer orders and put them into the system - after that, the company takes over on all support, billing, and so on. All I do is make the sale and collect my checks.

Here is how a typical sale goes. While on a computer service call to a customer, they ask me for some information. I tell them I will email it to them. I grab my Blackberry and seconds later they have the email. Many business people don't even understand the benefits of Blackberry service, so I explain it. I let them check out my phone and try it. When they are ready to buy, I take them to my product web site and walk them through the sale.

Working only these incidental sorts of sales, I am still making money every single month, plus I have the residual business and personal relationship with my own clientele, so they call me for everything.

If you are ready to look into this completely free opportunity, then visit McGraw Technologies and have a look for yourself. Not only will you be able to make a great living at cell services, but also a whole list of other technical products and services that everyone needs.

For more information, visit McGraw Technologies today. You'll be glad you did.

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