Earning money online is free and easy with PTR programs. If you've been living in a cave, maybe you have not heard of PTRs, but most people know it means Paid-to-Read programs, sometimes referred to as PTC (Paid-to-Click programs), GPT (Get-Paid-To), and various other similar names and acronyms.

So many out there have proven to be scams, but I am a member of a few of them that really do pay. And all have paid me more than once (more than a dozen times!). The payouts vary.

Some people think you cannot earn much with these programs and that they are a big waste of time. I beg to differ.

First of all, I think all free money is good -- as long as you do get paid in the end! That's why I carefully select of which programs I'd like to be a member. If they only pay something ridiculous like 1/10 of a cent per click, that wouldn't be worth it to me, but programs paying 1-2 cents per click are pretty decent and most programs tend to have excellent referral commission.

I am a member of one program that's been around for over TEN YEARS and is still around and pays 2 cents per click, PLUS it pays two level of referral commissions at 50% each. That means if you have 10 people under you who each earn $10 in a month, you will receive $50 from their efforts alone!!

That's where the secret lies in making big money with PTRs. If you can find a decent program that pays great referral commissions, and get a dozen or two active referrals, you should be making decent payouts in reasonable amounts of time, mostly through your referrals' efforts and you'll only have to spend a couple of hours each month putting forth your own effort.

If you're interested in reading about my favorite PTRs and other reliable programs I belong to as well, please contact me or check out my APSense page. THANKS FOR READING and have a great day! 

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