LOVE and HATE.....Can we really have them both?  Is this what our life is really meant to be about? Hmmmmmmm...........??????!!!!!????

As I was commenting on another great article, a great buddy of mine brought up some points that really made me think.  (thanks G...I really should be doing house work right
But believe it or not...I have gotten TONS done in these few hours.  Amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it!

Back to the discussion:
Our debate was about LOVE and HATE. 

The point that was made to me was that you have to Hate in order to Love. 

My point to him was that my past with hate is something that I am so freely getting rid of...and don't want any part of it anymore. 
Would I be where I am at right now, if I hadn't experienced that hate?  I haven't a clue, and I am not going to stress about wondering.   What I am experiencing is the Present.  And I am looking at my life, and even this whole world differently!  In doing so; it has brought me to a place that I don't ever want to leave!  I only will expand it to new horizons! 

But this conversation made me look even further in the words HATE and LOVE:

HATE~  abhor, abominate, loathe, scorn, despise, have an aversion toward, look at with loathing, spit upon, curse, dislike intensely, shudder at, not care for, have enough of, be repelled by, feel repulsion for, have no use for, object to, bear a grudge against, shun, denounce, resent, curse, be sick of, be tired of, reject, revolt against, deride, have no stomach for, disfavor, look down upon, hold in contempt, be disgusted with, view with horror, be down on, have it in for, object to , shudder at, not like.

LOVE~  To be passionately devoted, adore, be in love with, care for, hold dear, choose, fancy, be enchanted by, be passionately attached to, have affection for, dote on, glorify, idolize, prize, be fascinated by, hold high, think the world of, treasure, prefer, yearn for, be fond of, admire, long for, fall for, be nuts about, be crazy about, go for, cherish, kiss, embrace, cling to, clasp, hug, take into one's arms, hold, pet, stroke, draw close, bring to one's side, to possess a deep and abiding interest, enjoy, delight in, relish.

There are many other words that express these two words.  But looking at it this way, I see the point that my friend was saying. 

How I can justify his point and then my point is seeing it this way:  When you love in duality you will one day hate too. The world of duality has both sides to it. When you love in totality, there is only love. What this means is that you take the middle ground, nothing is good and nothing is bad, it just is. No one is lovable while another is full of hate, all beings just are and they are one with you and all is love.  (thank you Micheal)

Seeing it from this prospective, you cannot have both when you are surrounded with only love. 
Trust me, getting to this point in my life has been a long journey.  Another great friend of mine here at Apsense said it is like 'Slapping your forehead..and saying...should have had your V8 today!'
What the heck have I been thinking? 
See, in the past, I focused all of my energy on things that I couldn't control in the first place.  Or things that I could control....instead of taking action, all I wanted to do was complain about it.

Take for instance.  I have 5 kids.  I would rant and rave about the house, and nothing...absolutely nothing would get done about it!  So now, instead of complaining and ready to pull my hair out...I just get it done!  With the kids, they are assigned their chores and then I have my own chores that I do.  My house is clean (and growing up with both parents Air Force...some of you can understand my meaning of clean). 

Bills...instead of complaining about the bills, and getting MAD at the people collecting what is owed to them.  I just get the bills paid.  And don't think about....oh they are ripping me off crap.  Yeah, they what?  I committed to the bill, so who made the choice to have to pay that bill?   ME!!!!

Gas....getting mad about how high the gas is, and complaining about (something I can't control in the first place).....I just let it go!  I mean, why focus on being mad about it...I can't control it ?!? But I can control how I feel about it, because I have to get gas anyways!  So I just don't worry about it, and I don't let it control my life! 

What I do think about is what I can control.  And that is me!  My feelings, and leading my children to a better way of thinking as well.  Sure, I have a lot of work...because of all the COMPLAINING...they heard me doing for so long!  And myself has adapted to all of my past complaints!

I can't control my parents, my friends, my fiance, I can't even control my kids!  But what I can control is ME!  When you have complete control of yourself, the power of what happens in your life is AMAZING!!!   Trust me, I am experiencing it..and giving a testimony to it!

Free will is our gift, but we are taught to be fearful of it.  Free will is awesome!  Nothing to be scared of. 

I am reading articles complaining about the President, complaining about this.  Heck, look at my articles from months ago....COMPLAIN COMPLAIN....from yours truly.  I am not criticizing those that are complaining...but really what can you do about it?  Sure, maybe it FEELS good to get it off your chest...but guess what?  It is stuck further inside of you because that is all you can think about!

Living in fear, hate, all of that was tearing me up.  That is all that I could focus on!!  I couldn't focus on all of the love surrounding me, the gifts that have been given to me, the peace that I could have within myself.  Now that I have it, I am free of the burden of OTHERS making choices for me.  I have taken full responsibility for my self.  Months ago if I read this, I would of had a lot of negative to say about it.  Because I was still the puppet on the strings of FEAR.  I am not asking anyone to agree with me, because I am living this life with MY CHOICES.  But if I can help...just one person understand that we have been lied to all of our lives, and can control our own lives.  Then my job is DONE.  Each and everyone of us have the ability to respond to our own individual thoughts! 

I am no Guru...I am no professional.  I am new to this life of freedom, and have a lot that I have to work on.   I will have that until the day that I leave this Earth!  That is what is awesome with life.  We can not replace what has happened in our past, but we expand (good or bad).  I choose to expand in the good.  I am so finished with the bad!

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Jennifer Sasser
Simplifying Lives and Securing Futures