The Science of Getting Rich
I have been asked to put my new training that I have
been practicing into A "Nut Shell." as hard as that may
be to do I am going to give it my "Best Shot."
We have all heard the saying, "If the mind can
conceive it and believe it, Ye can achieve it.
I know that sounds like a very simple statement
but in my opinion that is one of the most profound
sentences ever written.
It is amazing how the mind works, kind of like a
computer. The mind remembers everything you ever heard,
read or seen. The trouble comes in when you try to access it.
A very basic example of that would be when you are trying
to remember something. You know you know the answer but you
just can't think of it. Hours later, usually in the middle
of the night, totally out of the blue- comes that piece of
information that you wanted earlier.
Another amazing feature of the mind happens when you put
visualization to work.
A famous golfer once said, " I never hit a shot, not even
in practice that I didn't have a clear picture in my
mind of where I wanted that ball to go."
Whether he knew it or not, he was practicing what Bob Proctor
is teaching in , The Science of Getting Rich.
Another teaching is to have an Attitude of Gratitude.
What are you grateful for?
What are you going to give in return?
This course is based on the book, The Science of Getting Rich.
by Wallace D. Wattles. It was written in 1903.
2 famous books:
The Power of Positive Thinking
Think and Grow Rich
In my opinion were tailored after The Science of Growing Rich.
This has nothing to do with mind games- but it has everything
to do with training your mind to work for you.
Bob Proctor has put together an outstanding seminar for all.
I will be happy to send you a link to download your own
copy of the eBook, The Science of Getting Rich.
Email Address:

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