Every Morning in our Xooma Team Skype Chat
our Mentor, Jim Gras puts in a greeting for the day.
Today's greeting  I thought was very appropriate...

 "Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story."

Tonight children will dress in costumes that they have been
trying on and dreaming about for weeks. They will go from house
to house shouting the words, "trick or treat.
The keepers of the house will be there to pass out goodies and
candy to the little darlings.
My little neighbor girl will be a witch, AGAIN. She is such a sweet
thing it is hard for me to imagine her a witch. But she is a pretty one.
My friend Christy said when she was a little girl she always wanted to
be dressed as a princess. Every year she was a princess. Her mother
put her foot down and said, "your not going to be a princess this year." 
So to please her mother she agreed to be a ghost.
But... she was no ordinary ghost. She was decked out with all of the
wonderful things a princess would wear, the crown, the jewelry. The next
year her mother let her go back to being the princess she wanted to be.

My Team Mate, Howard H
ughes had this to say ,"All Hallows Evening > Hallows E'en >
Halloween In pagan times it was the harvesting time but also the time when the souls of
the dead tried to cross over in to our world. So to prevent that, we dress up in
scary costumes to scare them back..."

With all of the crazy people in the world today many areas are really cutting back
on celebrating Halloween. Our school system is not even letting the kids come
dressed in their wonderful costumes this year. It seems ashamed that a few can ruin
a festive time for all. But we do what is best to keep our children safe.

So do you have on your clothes or your costume today?

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