If there one piece of advice I can give to all internet marketers it is this:

"Sell Yourself Before You Sell Your Opportunity".

People want to know they're dealing with a real person that they can relate to in some way. Once you sell yourself, your opportunity will naturally sell because people will trust you.

If you simply spam people with how amazing your opportunity is while giving them no insight into you as a person, you'll most definitely fail in your efforts. Even if your opportunity is good, people will simply look for a different person they can personally relate to who offers the same opportunity.

Providing Leadership along with quality content will attract people to you without the need for a friends adder or begging people to go to your profile on the notice board. I will go into more detail about leadership in another blog.

Here are some simple things you can do to make your profile more attractive to others.

1. Tell a Story about Yourself & how you overcome a challenge, problem or obstacle in your life. Every has a story to tell.

2. Upload pictures and/or slide shows of you being yourself doing what you're passionate about along with plenty of pictures of family, friends, pets.

3. State your purpose, goals, dreams, & aspirations in life. Tell people what you want instead of what you don't want. Keep things positive.

4. Provide good quality content that people can actually use weather it be an informative link, creating an inspiring group, or writing articulate blogs.

If you want to know where I learned how to attract people to my opportunities, feel free to check out the Ohana MLM Goldmine 2.0 Family in the Business Section.

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