I wasn't really sure which category to put this topic in, so I just put it into business news.

APSense should take the inactive people, such as the ones you refer and only put a link on their profile and not use the site, and delete the accounts. Yes, it would hurt people's downlines. But, would cut back greatly on bandwidth, storage space on servers, and not only that... would also help to tell which people are here to actually learn and use the site as it was intended.

This would get rid of all the business centers with nothing in them, the profiles that are empty with the exception of a link, and would also help the referrers to identify those who are willing to try.

This would also help in smoother running of the site. When I rate business centers, I noticed that almost 75% are completely empty with the exception of a link, IF ANYTHING. Also, you see people that come in and display nothing but links on comments to blogs. This tends to be very annoying to a lot of people. No one wants just links as comments on their articles. That isn't input, thats just spam.

Also, people who post nothing but links, and ads into comments should be kicked off the site anyways. That would help a lot of us out, that have to delete links constantly off our blogs. People who have had to do this a lot know exactly what I'm talking about.

I also think that the BEC's system (biz exchange credits) system should be implemented into blogs and articles too. In order to post a blog, You should first have to read and at least comment if not top another's blog. This would insure that everyone is doing their part on this site to ensure everyone has a fair chance so to speak.

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