Spyware vs. Adware- Know the Difference

It is very important to understand the difference between spyware and adware (a.k.a. pestware). There has been a large outcry from consumers and privacy advocates over intrusive software and cookies that are in reality more of a nuisance than a security threat. This does not mean that adware is not a problem, but cookies and adware should not be treated on the same level as spyware. They are fundamentally different situations altogether and lumping them together dilutes the threat of real spyware.

Adware generally refers to software that installs a reminder service or spawns targeted ads as you surf. These advertisements are referred to in the advertising industry as interstitials or simply "pop-ups". They might also profile your surfing habits, shopping habits and most gather information in aggregate.

In a recent decision in the case of U-Haul versus WhenU a judge determined that the use of adware was "legal". In short it meant that WhenU was not violating trademarks by having their bundled software, SaveNow, display pop-up advertisements.

We do believe that more legal precedents will be handed down and legislation will be enacted to control the use of adware that uses drive-by downloads and deceptive installation techniques, but until that time comes we urge users to read the End User License Agreement for any software before they install it and to educate themselves on the use of adware.

Spyware, as we know it, is software used to monitor actual computer activity. As we mentioned before it can log your keystrokes which means whatever you do on your computer is open to the eyes of prying spies. This problem is greatly exacerbated in environments where different users have access to a single machine. For example, a local copy shop, a computer rental kiosk, a university or even a friend's home machine. These are typical targets for a thief who wants to quickly grab information from unsuspecting users.

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