You may or may not know that Website Directory Submission is quickly becoming
a very popular and easy way to get quality, one way links to your website.
These kind of links are exactly what the search engines are looking for. The
websites with more quality, one way links are typically the sites that rank
the highest, period.
With that said, there are several websites dircetory submission programs on
the market. The best and easiest to use is a new program created by Brad Callen,
called Directory Submitter.
The software currently contains around 1700 website directories, all free.
It is the most straightforward program that we've come across, in that all you
need to do is:
1. Input your website details (i.e. title, description, URL, etc.) into the
2. Click on the directory you want to submit to
And then the program will automatically fill in your website details. Then,
you simply click the submit button and your website is instantly submitted to
the directory. Then, you can move to the next directory, go through the list,
and by the time you're finished you'll have roughly 1500 one way links pointing
to your website.
I can't think of an easier way to get links. Of course, if you're going to
get links this quickly, it's important to vary your website title (anchor text)
every 20-30 links or so, to make things look more natural to the search engines.
You can do this very easily via Directory
Submitter when you create your project in the beginning.
The software is constantly being updated and their is an incredible community
of users established that all work together to make the software better and
better, so you know you're getting great value for the money.
To check out the software, go here:



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