Summary: This article aims at nurturing your knowledge on the powerful features of CakePHP and discussing how it helps developers to build avant-garde websites and web applications.

CakePHP has always hold great value among the PHP frameworks since its launch and is expected to enjoy its wide popularity in the near future as well. Because of its excellent technical aspects like ‘constantly evolving’, ‘faster prototyping’ and ‘faster validation’, it is considered as the recommended choice of web developers for successfully implementing a diverse range of projects.

CakePHP boasts a competitive edge compared to most of the other evolving PHP frameworks including Laravel, Symfony, Yii and PhalconPHP. While adhering the latest technological advancements, it comes as an open-source, robust tech solution with the ability to build feature-rich and customised websites for diverse businesses. Following here are some of the most propitious features of this framework.

Boost Code Reusability

With CakePHP, developers can work on different projects by using the same code snippet. This helps them to avoid the task of writing repetitive codes and can easily fetch from various projects thereby, integrating well with the ongoing projects. Resultantly, this will result in a systematic as well as time-saving web development process.

Extensive level of Security

This premier PHP framework comes with a host of security features like SQL injection prevention, input validation, XSS prevention, CSRF protection and form tampering protection thereby, keeping the applications secure and safe.

Compliance with MVC structure

Typically, the MVC architecture lets developers to save data and view, update and delete the model class. This framework helps to add multiple number of queries into a single database thereby, making it easy in the backend. Moreover, the logic always stay independent of its present location which is a great advantage for large-scale applications.

A range of exclusive in-built features

This framework comes as a pack of high-end in-built features including validation, translations, database access and caching which are already available in the MVC architecture.

No need of Configuration

It does not involve any sort of complicated YAML or XML files. All you just need to do is set up a unique database and move ahead with your web development process.

In-built CRUD

One of the most powerful features of CakePHP is its potential to facilitate easy data management. It has the ability to create, read, update and delete multiple data entries within a single DBMS. With the help of inbuilt CRUD, you will be able to build multiple web applications and websites as because, many of the issues relating to database can be resolved simply by CRUD operations and DB operations.

Businesses always search for a customised web development solution and while considering the same fact, CakePHP hosts a number of specialised features. Thus, teaming up with an esteemed CakePHP development company for your next web development project will certainly help you to make your website unique and attain a stand ahead of your competitors.

Author Bio: Jonathn is one of the most talented web developers of PHPProgrammers, a premier CakePHP development company of Australia who likes to pen down his smart industrial insights and knowledge for readers to stay updated and informed.  

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