Social sites
The new trend is for social sites to pay for activity.
It makes sense and the older and stablished social sites will have to adapt to the times if they don´t want to fall back.
I recently discovered one of those. I had signed up but for lack of time I did nothing there.
Last month I got intrigued by something I read about it and began to have some activity. In less than a month I have accumulated $3,400 in my balance.
Not all that money is to be cashed out. It is distributed between several activities like buying in the market place, publishing ads paying the upgrades, etc. The part to be cashed out must wait for 90 before it is available. This last condiction can be avoided under certain circunstances and you can cash out inmediatly.
It is adding new ways to earn: Selling in the market place, with a fixed price, new or used items, or in auction. You could not believe the things I have bought and at what prices.
I am selling too, things I had no use for.
Besides, you get paid for posting and liking your fellow affiliate´s posts.
Most of the posts get likes to earn likes for yours. From time to time there are interesting things.
It is free. You even get paid $20 to sign in, when you validate your account.

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