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Real Estate Franchise Opportunity

Real Estate Business Opportunity - Broker Office Franchisee
As a Broker Office Franchisee, you will be responsible for opening a world class RE/MAX Broker Office in your region. As investment property India - RE/MAX Broker Office is a one-stop shop for all the realty needs of the consumers.
You will be responsible for recruiting and retaining successful real
estate sales representatives. Along with the responsibility for
associate volumes in your office, you will provide administrative and
technical support services to your Associates.
Real Estate Investment India - RE/MAX is
developing Ra strong network of Broker Owner franchisees, whose network
and experience will provide a wealth of invaluable information to the
Broker Associates whom they would appoint in their offices. To support
the success of this network, there are training programs and suite of
proprietary IT products which RE/MAX has developed in order to continue the success and growth of the RE/MAX network.
With all the experience and support RE/MAX
provides, you can get your office up and running very quickly ?
focusing on recruiting successful Broker Associate instead of having to
build systems and processes to support your activities.