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 Creating this promotion I had only one thing in mind, success. Everyones success.
2 of the most common reasons a downline fails are inactivity and free members.
 This project removes those 2 problems entirely. Firstly I promote for you so even
if 90% of this downline does nothing to help themsleves, I will. This promotion is for
me to finally succedd in building a strong and profitable downline so i can offer it to those who join with me.
 If all you want to do is join and pay the $5 one time fee for your ad credits and to
be eligeble for spillover, direct referrals and money. Your good to go, Come sign
up and get in line. If your not, you wont.
 If you, like me, want more out of life and have the time. I will help show you how
I promote to find new referrals so you can do it too.
 There is one simple action everyone needs to take when they acheive success with each level and that's explained in the join requirements. There not really requirements but it will help the downline explode.