This group is the public group. Your request will be auto-approved.

Exceptional Content Publishing (ECP) is a membership site. It is owned by:

* Don Dousharm
* Philippe Moisan
* Yves Neault

The group here is a place for support. No spam allowed.

The only links allowed are from the ECP site:

We will inform you when new stuff happens at ECP:

* New content for use by members
* New blog post by the owners
* New feature

There also is a blog called ECP Mentors. We have invited some friends who are experts or very knowledgeable in certain areas of online marketing, or own sites that add value to what we offer at ECP. These friends are all people we got to know here at APSense.

If you have a question about online marketing, we will answer it with a blog post or a video that will appear at ECP and we will put the link here.

If you have a question about ECP itself, we will answer it here in the group.

We hope you enjoy ECP and become a member. You can join for free! Click on the link below: