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If you have an online business and need to get the word is said that there are three ways that does this best for you and that is through:

1)Article Submission

2)Blogging and

3)Video/Audio Podcasting

*Article Submission*

The upside to Article Submitting is that we can get (PLR's) (Private Label Rights) to articles that has already been done for us and recreate them! In other words, we have to re-write what was already written and put them in our own words! Making them our own and adding more value! This can get you much traffic and make you lots of money if done properly!

The down side to this though, is that the search engines have become aware of this type of, what they call, "Redundant Writing" or "Content Spam" and are apparently trying to put an end to it, according to David Watson of "Website Content Wizard"

Who is David Watson? Mr. Watson is "The Wizard of Adsense" and has written an article on website content and how adsense entrepreneurs had better beware of what they write from now on!

According to David, Google is going after "Content Spam" And getting "Free Traffic" from Google, Yahoo, and MSN just may be the thing of the past as we know it!

Google is shaking things up and going after useless, copied, re-copied, and redundant content which means we're going to have to be more creative and start creating our own content which can be pretty daunting and much of a challenge, especially if you don't know what to write about, or how to write period!

Most websites are being banned because some entrepreneurs are using their (PLR's) uselessly! Meaning that they're not being creative and are just copying these Private Labels as they are, without any change to them whatsoever!

This makes it bad for those of us who are doing it the right way! PLR's are put here to make things easier for us as writers, not to make us lazy! However, there seems to be a leeway here.

A light at the end of the tunnel and if you're like me and simply do not know what to write about, or like many others who are not natural born writers, there's a way to get your information out there and Mr. David Watson has written about it in his article here:

It's called "The 14 Second Solution" which is a free special report via subscription only!

P.S. Don't rule out (PLR's) completely as they're still a major source of our "Getting The Word Out" when done correctly!

*In a nutshell, Article Submission is one of the best ways to building a list of email subscribers and in reaching your "Target Market!"*


*Next, we have our"Blogging For Traffic or Money"*

As with Article Submissions, "Blogging" can also be an excellent source of income when done correctly! You can also use PLR's for Blogging as well, just so long as it's done in good taste!

The difference between "Blogging" and "Article Submission" is that with "Article Submissions" your content must be professionally done, and written like a news article!

You need actual facts and professionalism with "Article Submitting", but with "Blogging" you can talk about anything from professional to personal, just as long as it's interesting and captures the attention of your readers! Blogging is more like story telling and Life's Adventures!

The whole point of writing, whether it's "Articles" or "Blogs" is in capturing an audience and keeping a steady flow of readers hanging onto your every word which will eventually turn into Traffic, then Lists, then Money!

You see, trust is the issue here. If you sell yourself and basically win the trust of your readers, you've got it made! When you write, try to remember that these are people just like you and what your reaction would be to good stories, good writing, and to someone you'd trust!

One good way of finding out what your readers would think of your writing is to proof read what you wrote, then give yourself an honest opinion about it.

Ask yourself does it excite you and keep you wanting more, or is it boring or too long, and will it chase your readers away? Is it informative and helpful, or is it just something bland and uninteresting?

I, myself, am not a reader. Don't get me wrong, I'm an excellent reader when it's something interesting or of interest to me! Get my point? Simply put, if something is boring to me, truth be told, it will also be boring to my readers as well!

*Here are a few examples of good writing*

*P.S. Good Luck with your writing!


*And Last, but not least, we have:

"Video/Audio Podcasting"*

Now, I don't really have much to say on this subject because it pretty much tends to speak for itself once you get this campaign going!

Video/Audio Podcasting is one of the better ways of *Getting The Word Out* because it's coming from a very personal standpoint, meaning...the person can see and hear a real live human being!

This works well because of that reason mostly! You can go to many social networking sites and make a Video/Audio Podcast! Here are some just to name a few...YouTube, Facebook, Black Business Builders, Google and Direct Matches!

On Facebook, Google, Direct Matches and YouTube, you can either make the video or audio using your own webcam or video/audio system, and download it into your computer so that you can upload it onto their website later, or you can create a Video/Audio Podcast right on their site!

But, on "The Black Business Builders" you have to join their business club to have access to their Audio/Video Podcasts! What I like most about this business site is that they have Video/Audio Postcards as well!

You can also upload your own video/audio's onto their website or you can make it directly from their site, but, you have to be a member of their club first!

They also specialize in helping you to build your business which is a major plus and their back office is like a university with a wealth of information on internet marketing and more!

My only advice to you about Video/Audio Podcasting is to be yourself, be personable, sincere and as informative as you can be about your business!And most importantly, be creative! Let your potential prospects know just how human you really are! Tell a story to break the ice...etc!

As long as you apply these three methods on a consistent and daily basis, you'll soon start seeing progress in your traffic and wealth! You will become "AMaster of Your Domain" as Jerry Seinfeld would put it! ....LOL!Success will be yours for the taking!

*Below are links to many places I frequent and trust as an Independent Contractor!*

*You can submit your Articles, Videos, and Blogs below* (Videos) (Videos) (Videos)

*P.S. Consider this blog my holiday gift and wishes to Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.....Now!

Kareema Z. Ratliff 443-847-3978 Baltimore, MD., USA