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  • samir Freshman  

    View  -  Promote  -  Comment  -  May 1st 2008 00:04
  • sabina Innovator   

    U are an MBA. now do u call yourself literate?
    i 'll call u a literate if u speak to other people politely. i 'll call u a literate if u know the table manners. i 'll call u a literate if u do ...
    sabina  all literate people cannot be called civilized and all civilized may not be literate. yes?
    Nov 23rd 00:49
    jeszica  With your meaning of literacy, i'd rather be civilized than be literate. I want my children to know all that, but I sure don't want them to be so lite...
    Jan 3rd 06:11
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 2 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Nov 21st 2007 02:49