Why did you join APSense.com?

About Why did you join APSense.com?

I first saw it promoted on websitebuddies.com?r=58087 and thanks to a quality/simple bannar advert I have had several people join this traffic exchange.

Several times I thought about joining APSense when I saw the bannar advert plus sites in rotation.

I have had positive experiences on other social networks like Adproland and Direct Matches.

Then I saw a invite from NoBrainer who I consider an E-friend and decided to take the plunge and join.

I am glad that I joined because I re-e-found a good E-friend that I had not seen in an E-while.

Now that I have a wondefull son I don't spend as much time on the fourms that I use to spend.

So why did you join APSense?
If your looking for promotional tools I love
www.nettrafficchat.com/showthread.php?t=2625 which is a forum where I spend to much time. Need to venture to some other forums and quit being such a posting pig on Cindy's forum.

I'm here today as a break from traffic exchanges.
www.linkreferral.com/adwel.pl?oldrefid=102684 is one of my favorites because people will actually review your site.

Should do more to promote the Gospel. But in all honesty I didn't come here to do that.

Came here to promote the best lotto club

I have shared some of my favorite promotional tools what are yours?