This group is the public group. Your request will be auto-approved.

Welcome to our group! From cooking to current events! Thats the beauty of this group you can post about whatever you want here. Poems, current events, about your day, freebies. If its a part of you or on your mind share it. Just leave your business hat at the door. Please start separate threads for recipes, quotes , poem etc. So we can comment or ask questions about the post. This is just a place to hangout. This is not a place for advertisements, but feel free to leave a link at the end of your post or comment. Please be respectful of this format. Thank you.

Basic Rules for this Group:

- No Spamming Post

- No foul language

- No Posting Other APSense Links

- Use actual urls (no tiny,snip etc urls) You will get more clicks, as members will know where they are going. Most people including myself do not like to click on a link that's a surprise. No group links. Please use your business center and contacts for group promotion.
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