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When I started my pet food business I wanted to thank each new customer and distributor for joining and/or just purchasing our products. Finding a suitable pet card, filling it out each time, addressing it, stuffing it, stamping it and putting it in the mailbox was a job. Then I found a neat way to do all of that and more from my computer. And these were not e-cards, but real cards that are sent through the mail with a real postage stamp, not a bulk rate permit stamp. So I signed up for the service. The company made me a card with our logo and i began sending it out. In less that 5 minutes for less than a buck, my customers were getting a quality custom thank you cards in their mailbox. I was also able to write and sign the card in my handwriting and even include a gift, like a Starbucks gift card or other partners in the system.

About a year and half later I took note of the people asking me how I did that, and realized that I could build a substantial income along with my pet food business. I save them, individuals and businesses, time and money and I'm growing a steady stream of business.