Where to find government grants to start a business, and how to apply for them

Posted by Government Grants
Mar 5, 2024

Small businesses face peculiar challenges, and often need money to expand, and reach out to new customers. They may also need training and technical assistance in order to grow locally, and expand nationally and overseas. However, it is not easy for small businesses to secure funding through tradtitional loans offered by banks. The situation becomes more worrisome when it comes to businees owned by minorities, women, and those located in rural areas and among disadvantaged communities. It’s here that government grants to start a business can play a pivotal role, and change fortune for small business owners. The best part is that the grant is free money, and you wonthave to repay it, provided the money is used for the intended purpose.  


You can start your search for government grants to start a business by visiting Grants.gov, which is the most comprehensive database of all federal grant opportunities. Additionally, state governments also offer government grants to start a business, but these are state-specific. However, you can get the much-needed financial boost through them, and the competition is also slimmer, compared to federally funded grants. Local grants are given to directly stimulate local communities, while corporate grants are suited to specific or broad type of businesses. In addition to grants.gov, your local chamber of commerce is another great place to find government grants to start a business. Awards are given to stipulate the specific industry, business type, or demographic.  


Grants by SBIR and STTR  

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) provides government grant to start a business. Its programs help fund entrepreneurs in the research and development (R&D) industry, to support scientific and technological innovation. SBIR gives grant awards worth $50,000 to $250,000 for six months to a year in Phase I, and $750,000 to two years in the second phase. Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program is similar to SBIR, but it is focused on the technology industry. The award amount is similar to that of SBIR, you will get $50,000 to $250,000 for six months in Phase I, and $750,000 for two years in Phase II. Those who have not received Phase I grant do not qualify to receive Phase II grant. You must submit a solid business plan to receive these government grants to start a business. Additionally, you need to apply with a specific solicitation if you meet the industry requirements.  


Gain access to currently available other grant opportunities  

It’s here that you can take the expertise of help of professional grant writers, such as those available with GovernmentGrants.us. The grant writers have written grant applications for government grants to start a business, and have been successful in winning the grant award for the applicants almost all times. Buy paying a small monthly fee of just $29.95 to GovernmentGrants.us, you can gain access to various other grant opportunities, such as minority grants, childcare grants, grants for women, minority grants, and more. Moreover, your membership fee will be promptly refunded in case your grant application is rejected. For this, you just need to forward the rejection letter to GovernmentGrants.us within 90 days

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