Top 7 techniques to help students reach their full potential

Posted by Dave A.
Nov 1, 2022

You're a teacher or Tutors in Melbourne, and you want to help your students reach their full potential. So how do you do that? You can't just sit back and expect your students to be able to do it all on their own—you know this! But teaching doesn't have to be an intimidating prospect. 

In fact, if you use these seven techniques in your classroom today, your students will see a dramatic increase in their learning abilities:

Create SMART goals

One of the most important things you can do for your students is set them up for success. To do this, you need to know what that success looks like.

Setting SMART goals is a great way to help your students understand where they are going and what they need to do in order to get there.

SMART stands for:

  • Specific – What exactly will be accomplished? (Example: "I will lose 20 pounds over the next 3 months")
  • Measurable – How can we assess progress? (Example: "Weigh me once per week")
  • Achievable – Is it realistic? (Example: "Yes, if I exercise three times per week and cut back on sweets")
  • Relevant – What impact will this have on my life or others? (Example: Looking better in photos with friends.
  • Time-bound – When will we accomplish this goal? (Example: "By January 1, 2024")

Designate a place where the student can be comfortable

Decide on a place in your classroom where the student will be able to sit comfortably without bothering other students or getting in their way. It can be a desk, chair, floor mat, beanbag—whatever is most comfortable for them. 

If you have more than one of these items available at different heights (for example, if you have desks that are adjustable), be sure that you have one that's accessible to the student as well—and make sure it isn't next to another student who might trip over it!

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When deciding on a place for the student to sit, consider whether or not they will need access to any materials or supplies during class time. 

For example: Do they need something to eat or drink? Is there an assignment due soon? Will they need access to their backpack or laptop bag? Make sure there's enough room between the student and other classmates so that everyone has adequate space for themselves!

Teach the student to highlight keywords

One of the best ways to help students reach their full potential is by teaching them how to highlight keywords.

Keywords are important because they provide context and meaning, which can help you understand what the writer is trying to say. When reading an article or book, it's always important that you look for keywords. 

Once you find them, try highlighting them so that later when you go back and study that section again, it will be easier for your brain to remember what was written there because of its significance in relation to everything else around it (keyword highlighting). For example:

  • "A man was found on his front porch with a knife in his back at around 11 p.m., but police have no suspects or leads at this time."
  • Keywords: Man= victim; Front porch = location where the incident occurred; Knife = weapon used during crime scene investigation; 11 p.m., but police have no suspects nor leads at this time = time/date range during which incident occurred

Teach the student to paraphrase

Paraphrasing is the act of restating information in your own words.

It's important because often, a student will have difficulty remembering what you said, even if it's right in front of them. This can lead to confusion and frustration on their part, which takes away from the learning process.

We can help students remember by teaching them how to paraphrase. Here are five easy ways:

  • When giving instructions or directions, repeat yourself using different words and phrases that are more relatable for the student (e.g., "I need this done by Friday" vs. "Please have this finished by next week").
  • Give examples when introducing new concepts or ideas, so your students understand what they need to do before moving forward with their work (e.g., "Let's take a look at some basic rules for writing fiction before discussing genre conventions further").
  • Explain how paraphrasing works when explaining grammar rules or providing feedback on drafts of essays/papers/assignments etc. (e.g., "A good way to remember how commas work is by saying 'A comma goes between two separate thoughts'").

Use reward systems

Reward systems are a great way to motivate students to get work done. Reward systems can be used to motivate students to complete homework assignments, study for tests, and study for exams. 

Some students will do their work just because they like the rewards, but others will need extra motivation. If you have a student who doesn't like school or struggles with grades, then try using a reward system with them so they can reach their full potential in school!

Teach problem-solving skills

Problem-solving is one of the most important skills you can teach your students. Not only does it improve their ability to think critically, but it also helps them perform better in school and later in life.


If you're not sure how to teach problem-solving skills, don't worry! We've got some helpful tips below:

  • Tutors in Melbourne must teach their students how to define a problem and recognize its context. This can include asking them questions like "What is this question about?" or "Can someone explain what we're supposed to do?"
  • Discuss the different ways that people solve problems so that everyone has a better understanding of each method's strengths and weaknesses. For example, some people prefer using trial and error, while others prefer using logic and reasoning (or even creativity).
  • Explain how problem-solving can be used outside of school as well--in personal relationships or even at work! That way, when kids are faced with challenges outside of class time, they'll know exactly how they should go about solving those challenges themselves - without needing help from anyone else around them.

Teach test-taking strategies

  • Prepare for a test by studying the material beforehand and taking practice exams.
  • If you don't know the answer to a question, take a guess and move on. Marking it will only distract you from answering correctly on later problems.
  • Use your time wisely—don't spend too much time on hard questions at first because they can often be answered quickly if you know how to use your resources effectively (e.g., skip through answers that are clearly wrong).
  • Avoid distractions such as loud noises or conversations around you; instead, concentrate on what you're doing so that your mind stays focused throughout the test.
  • If your mind gets stuck while solving problems, take a break from working on them for ten minutes or so before returning with fresh eyes and energy levels!

Tutors can help students reach their full potential.

Tutors can help students reach their full potential.

  • Tutors can help students reach their full potential by teaching them techniques to learn the material.
  • Tutors Melbourne can help students reach their full potential by creating a comfortable environment when working with them.
  • Tutors can help students reach their full potential by teaching them to highlight keywords in textbooks, so they understand what they read better and also teach them how to study efficiently using a flashcard system that is designed to make studying easier for many types of people (e.g., students who are visual learners).


Tutors can help students reach their full potential. Students can work with Tutors Melbourne to improve their reading skills, vocabulary and comprehension, essay writing skills, test-taking strategies and more. Tutors are available to assist you in any way they can!


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