Tips for overall dental health

Posted by Rahul Kumar
Jun 3, 2021

Clean and healthy teeth and gums are necessary for complete dental hygiene. Brushing teeth twice daily and regular dental checks are essential to maintain total oral care. Oral health is not just healthy teeth and gums. It is a lot more. Research has shown that there is a direct connection between one's oral health and complete body health. 


Improper brushing can lead to tooth decay which can further lead to pain, gum diseases and even loss of teeth. Severe dental issues can give rise to speech problems and other mouth-related diseases in one's life. Most of the tooth and gum problems are caused due to plaque. It is a sticky combination of food and bacteria that builds up on teeth. If not cleaned properly plaque can lead to gum diseases and eventually tooth decay. Sometimes the condition can get worse and it can lead to a dental emergency. So, if you are facing any dental issues and are searching for a dentist in Noida Vaishali or Ghaziabad you can visit Niyama Care to get a complete dental treatment.


To avoid visiting an emergency dental hospital  one needs to follow dental care tips along with regular visits to the dentist for dental check-ups. Some of the methods through which one can keep his/her teeth healthy are:


  • Brushing the teeth twice daily is the most important practice to prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. But one should correctly brush his/her teeth. The best technique is to brush using small circular motions and not sawing back and forth. One should also take care to not brush too hard as it can damage the gums and tooth enamel. A brush with soft bristles should be used and people should change their brushes after every three months.
  • Fluoride helps to remove cavities. It is used in mouthwash and toothpaste. Fluoride is essential to prevent tooth decay.
  • Flossing once a day and the use of a good mouth wash is also recommended. Flossing removes plaque and bacteria that damage the teeth. It helps to remove food particles that are stuck between the teeth. Mouthwash on the other hand helps to counter bad breath.
  • Dental check-ups are compulsory. The dental expert would clean the teeth during a check-up and would give you information about the condition of your teeth along with suggestions to maintain oral health. 
  • Limited intake of sugary food and drinking lots of water reduces the risk of dental problems. Sweets, cakes, sugary drinks should be avoided.
  • Children should be taught how to maintain oral health from an early age. Good dental habits lead to better teeth at a later stage. 


Thus practicing good dental hygiene is essential to keep gums and teeth healthy. So if you are facing any dental problems you can visit Niyama Care where you can find the Best Dentist in Vaishali and Ghaziabad. Depending on a person's age, medical history the dentists at Niyama Care would suggest the best dental practices and precautions one needs to follow for complete oral care.
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