The Africa Institute of Sharjah Is Celebrating African Ancient Roots

Posted by Kristen White
Nov 27, 2019
For long, the history and tradition of Africans have been neglected when it comes to education, research, and documentation. However, the Africa Institute in Sharjah is transforming this and hosting one-of-a-kind events for everyone.
It has been a long-held desire for the establishment of an African Institute that could focus on the complex past, present, and future of communities in the continent. This great journey began way back in 1976 when the first symposium on African and Arab relations was held in Sharjah. From then, it has been a constant endeavor to create the perfect learning and research institute that could build on the concepts of the first symposium.
The Africa Institute in Sharjah has taken this mantle and essential task of strengthening Afro-Arab relations since its decree on June 6, 2018. While it has taken a long time for such an institute to be formed and become fully operational, the wait has been worth it. The Africa Institute has kicked off on the right foot and has, in a short time, attracted lots of attention from across the globe. A competent management team and dedicated researchers have formed its backbone, giving it the strength to address major issues of concern.
Overly, it has always been fascinating how Africa and the Arab Gulf region have always been discussed as two separate entities. This is despite the two regions sharing deep historical roots, geographical proximity, and economic & cultural exchanges. It is this major paradox that has been the focus of the African institute as they seek to connect the past, present, and future of these regions. Luckily, with the research-based think-tank that the institute was conceived upon, there is no doubt that this is going to be a breakthrough line of focus.
As a way of ensuring that all efforts by the institute are not limited to scholarly books and journals, the channel for reaching out to everyone else has been through hosting events. This is not only a way of sending the message in simpler forms to those who matter the most, but it aids in keeping touch with the people. One of the major international conferences held by the Africa Institute was themed “Global Africa: African and African Diaspora Studies in the 21st Century.” This three-day conference marked a significant stride in assessing the current state and line of engagement for Africa ad African diaspora studies.
It is not only the theme of the conference that was captivating but the fact that it was hosted in the recently rebuilt Africa Hall in Sharjah. This signified a re-birth for the commitment to studying and showcasing Africa cultures in unique ways. It was, therefore, a cause for celebration as that was the aim of the establishment of the hall in 1976. For the Africa Institute, this was a transformative conference that brought new perspectives to the interdisciplinary studies.
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