Manitoba Senior Denture Wearers With All-On-4 Implants Eat Whatever They Want

Posted by PRC Agency
Mar 24, 2023
Manitoba Senior Denture Wearers With All-On-4 Implants Eat Whatever They Want

If you have removable dentures that drive you up the wall, either because they're uncomfortable, or they limit the types of foods you can enjoy, or because you're always secretly worried they might clamour about your mouth at a most inopportune time, then it's time you looked into All-on-4 denture implants at Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre.

This remarkable innovation will change. Your. Life.

All-on-4 implants are a better fitting denture option that looks and functions just like real teeth and allows you to enjoy any array of harder foods that dentures don't allow.

Book a free consultation to find out more at

All-on-4s rest on four or six titanium screws implanted into your upper and lower jawbone. A full denture is then attached to give you the high-functioning, realistic-looking smile you deserve. Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre are experts in this innovative denture solution designed to help you speak, eat, and smile with confidence.

“Dentures may be the least expensive option, but they fall short of matching the chewing efficiency of natural teeth or dental implants,” says a report from the University of Connecticut Health Center.

Did you know traditional dentures reduce bite force by over 95%? After 15 years with a regular denture, your bite force can decrease by 99%. With 1% remaining bite force, what's left to eat, pudding?

Traditional dentures can also slip or move around in your mouth, which is more than uncomfortable it's embarrassing.

Denture implants - or All-on-4s - offer a bite force that is 95% as strong as natural, healthy teeth. They are a permanent, fixed solution that ensures your teeth are held firmly in place so you can eat a steak with apples and nuts on it if you so choose.

A less obvious benefit of All-on-4s that is also worth considering is that they preserve your jawbone. When you lose your teeth your jawbone can begin to deteriorate, and this leads to a sunken appearance and other dental health issues. All-on-4 implants stimulate the jawbone so it remains healthy and resilient, preventing bone loss and facial sagging, and maintaining the integrity of your neighbouring teeth.

Made from high-quality materials, All-on-4s is a natural-looking solution that will never need adjusting. Imagine going about all your daily routines without ever thinking twice about your dentures.

A recent client says, “I wore dentures for three years and always found them painful and inconvenient. You have changed my life with All-on-4s. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for my new smile. You gave me a permanent solution to what I thought was going to be a lifelong problem.”

Are you ready to take a bite out of life? Learn more at

Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre 10 Queen Elizabeth Way, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2R1, Canada Website
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