Keeping Your Home Comfy in the Colder Months

Posted by Kevin Smith
Oct 24, 2018

Even in warmer climates, the temperature starts to dip in the fall and winter, and can even get pretty cold, especially at night. A heating contractor experienced with heating and air installation in Athens, GA, can help identify potential issues with your HVAC system to keep you comfortable. If you find that no matter what you do, you’re being kept up at night to stack on more blankets, consider these quick tips for staying warm in lower temperatures without messing with the furnace at all!

Schedule Your Checkup

The first thing you need to do to keep your HVAC system running and keeping your house comfy all year round is to schedule your checkup with an HVAC professional. They can identify any potential issues, make sure your vents are all clean and ready to go, and provide valuable advice and guidance on money- and energy-saving habits to incorporate into your life. This should be done at least once a year and may save you a lot of money going forward.

Get Ahead of Spring Cleaning

In addition to clearing your vents and fans of debris to make sure that they get proper air flow, you should also avoid putting furniture over the vents or obstructing these in any way. Heating the home efficiently requires that air is able to easily circulate throughout the home, and if there are blocked vents, your home will get more uncomfortable much quicker.

Change How You Use Ceiling Fans

You may be a huge proponent of using the ceiling fans to keep your home cool during the summer. However, you can flip the switch on your fan and it will actually keep your home warmer in the winter. Running the fan blades clockwise on low speed to create an updraft that circulates warm air.

Harness the Powers of The Sun

The sun is your ally in terms of keeping your home warm and toasty all year long. Even in the winter, the sun shines on your home. Go ahead and open the curtains and blinds during the day to let the sun warm your home naturally. Remember to close the window treatments at night to seal all that warm goodness indoors while you’re sleeping.

Sometimes the problems you’re having keeping your house warm and cozy during the colder parts of the year don’t have anything to do with a malfunction in your heating system. Sometimes it’s just a matter of making sure a contractor who is qualified to do heating and air installation in Athens, GA, is coming out to do an inspection and incorporating these good habits into your daily life.


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