In-Vitro Fertilization - IVF Procedure

Posted by Shivani Sachdev
Dec 8, 2018

IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is an infertility treatment procedure that helps in getting pregnant. There are many people, who due to some reasons are unable to conceive a child, no matter how hard they try. The people struggling with various fertility issues can easily fulfill the dream of being a parent with the help of IVF.


Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour has answered our many doubts and questions about the IVF process and has explained the procedure of this infertility treatment. Let’s have a look at it:

      Eggs and Sperms Analysis: The first step in the IVF is the analysis of the woman’s eggs and the man’s sperms. It is essential to know the size and quality of the eggs as it is the most important factor in conceiving a baby. Similarly, the quality of the man’s sperm needs to be good as well so that the chance of impregnating the eggs is higher. If the quality or production of the eggs or sperms is not up to the required level, the man and woman are given medications, diet plans etc to increase the production and improve the quality of the eggs or sperms.

      Retrieval of Egg - In the next step of IVF, the eggs are surgically removed from the woman’s body. It might cause pain and thus anesthesia is required. The process is simple in which a needle is guided through the vagina and into the follicles that contains the eggs. The needle gently sucks out the eggs from those follicle and the eggs are then taken outside of the woman’s body. These eggs are safely placed in the lab for further procedure.

      Insemination - As soon as the eggs are collected, the sperms from the male are introduced into the dish containing the eggs. This gives the sperm a chance to find an egg on its own and impregnate it. This dish in which the sperm are introduced to the egg is closely monitored so as to be sure of the progress.

      Embryo formation - An embryo is formed with the union of the sperm and the egg and this embryo is then very closely monitored for its progress rate in the laboratory. This embryo is kept under observation for a few days till it is sure that the embryo will continue getting developed.

      Transfer of Egg from lab to uterus - When the embryo starts growing normally and shows the promising future of getting developed, it is then transferred back into the woman’s body, inside the uterus. A catheter is inserted through the vagina to the uterus where the developed embryo is then released. As soon as the embryo gets implanted into the uterine wall, the female gets pregnant.

      Pregnancy tests - The last step is the pregnancy test done after several days of the transfer. Most of the women get pregnant with the help of IVF procedure.


According to Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, most of the people think the process stops after the transfer of the embryo. But it is not correct. Even after the woman gets pregnant, she must be closely monitored and she should take proper rest and medications to make sure that the embryo remains healthy. Precautions should be taken to make sure that the IVF does not result in a miscarriage. Expertise of your IVF specialist is extremely important and thus you should always select the one who is pretty good in his field.

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