How to use your own brand as a secret SEO tool!

Posted by The Yellow Coin
May 16, 2020

If you want to thrive in SEO, you need to build a brand. Eleven years ago, the former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, said, “Brands are the solution and not the problem. Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.” His words stand true to date. Companies and websites that have invested in building a brand are becoming more and more prominent in terms of ranking higher on Google search results. In this article below, we have collected information from the top SEO companies in Delhi and sought out their advice on how to use your own brand as a secret SEO weapon.

You’ve probably heard of using SEO to build your brand but what about using your brand to build SEO?

The simple solution is to use your own brand and capitalize on it to create a business that is valuable to your audience. So there are two key steps that you need to take in order to achieve success.

Recognize your target audience

If you don’t know who will be interested in your business, chances are, you wouldn’t make it too far. So, first and foremost, recognize the people that would want what you have to offer. The idea is to stick with what you’re known for. Instead of going for a million things at once, specialize in one niche and gather as much information on it as possible.

Creating a valuable product for your target audience

Once you’ve decided what your target audience is, you need to develop a product that would offer value to your target audience. For instance, if you are into lifestyle and fashion and you’re known for the same, you can develop products around that niche. For example, when Kylie Jenner became a worldwide sensation, she launched her own range of nature products. Since she had already made a name for herself in the cosmetics niche, people valued her products and her business grew at a breakneck speed. Many young businesses can get in touch with SEO companies in Delhi which can help them craft their products according to their audience.

More and more people are creating their own brands with the help of PR firms in Delhi and other metro cities of the world. There is such a huge market for this kind of business right now and there are a plethora of opportunities. Influencers are the entrepreneurs of today. Now, more than ever, small, online influencers and brands are building their businesses.

The idea is to put yourself out there; the more you put yourself out there, the more people are going to interact with your brand. SEO companies in Delhi like to call it the rule of 7. According to this rule, when someone sees and interacts with you 7 times, they’re much more likely to relate to your brand. This, in turn, creates more search queries. The more there are search queries for your brand, the easier it will be for you to rank higher on Google and get the desired traffic that can catapult your brand towards success. 
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