Grease trap cleaning services

Posted by Luisjpa Trick
Jun 22, 2022

How Do Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Companies Work?

Grease traps are an essential part of any commercial kitchen. They help to keep your restaurant and other food-service facilities clean and safe for your customers. But while they may be hard to avoid, they can be easy to maintain—and that's where grease trap cleaning services come in. A Santa Clarita commercial grease trap cleaning uses a variety of techniques when they clean and maintain your grease trap.

Grease trap cleaning services

Techniques Used by Commercial Grease Trap Cleaning Companies

When you choose a commercial Santa Clarita grease trap cleaning company, its professionals will clean your grease trap using one of two methods: by manually removing the accumulated waste from inside the tank and disposing of it properly; or by pumping out the contents of the tank completely so that it can be completely cleaned and sanitized. The techniques include:

Manual removal

Grease trap cleaning is a vital part of maintaining your restaurant’s grease disposal system. A clogged grease trap can lead to a number of problems, from overflowing sinks to foul odors in the kitchen.

A Santa Clarita grease trap services technician will remove all accumulated residue from inside your grease trap by hand. If there is any debris or food left behind after this process, they will also clean it out with a high-pressure water hose before replacing it on its stand or installing it back into place (depending on what type of system you have).

Pumping service

This involves removing all waste inside your grease trap completely so that it can be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by professionals. Grease traps are used in commercial kitchens to separate the fats, oils, and grease that come from cooking into a separate container. These fats and oils can then be disposed of safely through a grease trap pumping service.

Grease traps are used to collect and store kitchen waste water, which is then pumped out of the building and disposed of. This process prevents wastewater from going down the drain and into the city's sewer system where it could cause pollution. It also helps prevent the spread of disease by keeping the food-borne pathogens in your kitchen contained.

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