Digital Arts and Tourism. How Two Worlds Collide

Posted by Nehal Khan
Jun 24, 2020

The story of Luca Prata and WhyInn Group

Setting up an entrepreneurial activity within an environment requires a careful study of the territory in which you choose to establish yourself, in order to understand its characteristics and be able to integrate better with existing realities. As did, for example, Mr. Luca Prata. He is a young Italian entrepreneur, operating in the digital arts field with his own company LANGA. As he was determined not to target just one single area, he focused strongly on finding the right collaborations for the enhancement of the territory.

What arose from this idea is WhyInn Group, whose CEO is Ms. Gallo Carla. It is a company that manages high-level hotel structures and services, contained in the Langhe area, in Piedmont. In recent years, this Italian area has experienced a significant degree of expansion, thanks to its appointment as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A project that is placed in such a context must, therefore, not only be effective in its implementation, but also take into account the prestige that being a World Heritage Site represents.

Mr. Luca Prata coordinates the entire project management, which therefore concerns the marketing aspects and, more globally, the entire project. The main point of Prata's work therefore revolves around the industrial and design development of WhyInn (whose work can be seen through the sites of their structures in the Langhe as, or on the main website, giving it an identity own, starting from the name. WhyInn, a union of two words that literally stands for "Why Stay", is an invitation to tourists to spend their stay in a different structure, inserted in a unique context. A technique also used by companies that have now become giants, one above all Eataly (Eat in Italy), designed to capture the attention of the customer and motivate him to get informed, to learn more. Tourism is one of the main resources in Italy, and in the Langhe area it is often associated with the food and wine world, taking advantage of the many DOC products that this land has to offer. Also for this reason, choosing to use the name WhyInn has a value, since in English it recalls the sound of the word "Wine", a word that, wandering the hills of this region, very often happens to be pronounced.

Creating spaces, devising new concepts and making them explorable for people who want to discover the secrets of a territory, shaping a new reality, modern but strongly rooted in the traditions of the territory. This is doing Mr. Prata as Project Manager for WhyInn. We reached him by phone: «I firmly believe that it should be a priority for Italy to invest in the enhancement of its landscape and territorial heritage. I have a deep bond with the territory where I founded my company, which I also wanted to reflect in its name, LANGA, and even if the headquarters are now located in Milan, I feel compelled to continue giving, with my skills, my contribution so that this area continues to be enhanced and visited».

Thanks to the implementation of this project, WhyInn has collected numerous contacts to date, especially of tourists from abroad, eager to visit the structures and the unforgettable landscapes they overlook. Mr. Luca Prata demonstrates how investing in a business should

not be limited to one area, and that a global vision is necessary to grow as a company and as an entrepreneur. You can learn more about Mr. Prata and his contribution to landscape heritage on
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