Busting Some Common Myths Regarding Air Conditioning Windsor Units

Posted by Reverse Cycle
Feb 3, 2021
We have been using air conditioning systems for a really long time now, but most of us have not bothered to understand this machine completely. What we are more concerned with is its functioning, performance, maintenance, repair and so on. The fact regarding air conditioning Windsor systems is that lots of myths are there in the minds of the users regarding them. 

Keeping this in mind, we have come up with a post that discusses some myths and also the facts associated with them.


Air Conditioning Cools By Blowing Cold Air-

The fact related to this statement made above is that they don’t blow cold air. Instead, they are designed to cool the interiors by transferring heat from inside to outside.


Turning the air conditioner temperature lower or higher than desired will cool or heat the area quicker.

This has been the biggest myth that people are living with and they think that bringing the temperature down to 12 degrees will make the air conditioning Windsor cool faster. The fact is that the AC system will either cool the interiors at a constant rate or it will not cool at all, so there is nothing like cooling faster or slower.


Air conditioning can cause you to catch the common cold.

Common cold, if you don’t know is caused by a virus and not cool temperature or being exposed to cold air for too long. So this theory will not work at all that common cold or flu is caused by an air conditioning Windsor.


Air conditioning in the home may cause you to contract legionnaire’s disease.

One more myth that mostly people are seen carrying in their minds regarding ducted air conditioning Windsor or of any type is that these units can give birth to legionnaire’s disease. In fact, home based AC systems or air conditioners have nothing to do with it and this disease is generally caused by lack of maintenance and servicing of commercial and larger ducted air conditioning Windsor units.


An air conditioner controls only the room temperature.

Apart from modifying the temperature of the area, where AC is installed, it also works by altering the humidity and its role is to keep moisture content very low in the air.


The bigger the air conditioning unit, the better the cooling!

This is not at all a truth and the fact is that for a highly efficient cooling; you will have to get it installed by a reputed installation team. Besides this, regular servicing, maintenance and look after would also be a defining factor as far as AC unit’s cooling performance is concerned.

One more myth that mostly people have in mind is regarding the quality of the air conditioning Windsor that comes at a cost. People think that low or high quality AC, both will work in a similar fashion, but the fact is somewhat different from this.

According to the vendors, expensive models will come with more features that would help them perform more efficiently. But at the same time, it cannot be said that cheaper brands and models are totally ineffective. Vendors as well as installation experts recommend not paying attention towards the cost and focussing only upon the one that would be ideal according to your requirements.

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