Ayurvedic Treatment to reduce Creatinine levels

Posted by Shipra Sharma
Oct 26, 2018

Although there are countless treatment options available out there for kidney diseases, choosing the right option can only decide your future health. Due to its immaculate therapeutic properties, Ayurveda is known to be an epitome of healing, amongst all other healthcare providers. The reason Ayurvedic Treatments outstand, is due to their inclusive and far-reaching approach, taking into consideration all the aspects of bodily improvement, i.e. mind, body, and soul.

Go through this Article for detailed clarification:

Ayurvedic Treatment 

Our kidneys are the two bean-shaped organs, of the size of a fist, located on either side of the spine at the lower back, just below the ribs. They are the vital organs of our body, due to the major functions they perform to take care of our overall health and wellness. 

The functions include:

Maintenance of fluid balance in our body

Removal of toxins and wastes from our blood

Regulation of electrolytes and pH

Balancing blood pressure in our body

Functional in the production of vitamin D in our body, on exposure to sunlight

Production of erythropoietin hormone, that intimates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells

Since our Kidneys are the major organs of our body, it becomes our prime responsibility to take care of it. A healthy kidney keeps you healthy, while on the contrary, an unhealthy kidney invites several major health complications.

What is Creatinine?

Creatinine is a waste product produced by general wear and tear of muscles. It is produced from creatine, a molecule of major importance for the production of energy in muscles.

Creatinine is found to be a reliable indicator of kidney functions. An elevated creatinine level clearly signifies that the kidney functions are impaired. There are several reasons for increased creatinine and urea levels in the blood, however amongst them;

The major cause is due to the poor clearance by the kidneys because of the damaged kidney functions. An abnormally high level of creatinine results in kidney failure. 

What are the symptoms associated with increased creatinine levels?

The symptoms of Kidney Dysfunction or Renal Inefficiency vary widely. Generally, they do not correlate with the increased creatinine levels of the blood. Some might incidentally find increased creatinine levels in the blood with severe kidney disease, and without any symptoms at all. However, depending on the problem, in some cases, the symptoms of kidney failure might show up, which includes:

Feeling dehydrated


Blood in the urine

Lack of concentration

Reduced appetite


Shortness of breath

Confusion, or

Some non-specific symptoms like nausea, vomiting, neuropathy and dry skin

Creatinine Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda offers Varieties of natural Lifestyle and healthy eating habit tips to improve kidney functions. The natural remedies as Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda are:
Chamomile Tea: A report published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemicals concluded that people who consumed chamomile tea had lower creatinine levels
Go Vegetarian: Since having a diet high in meat is one of the causes of increased creatinine levels, eating more vegetables and plant-based diet will help improve the condition. 
Stinging Nettle: This herb being mildly diuretic, helps to remove toxins and metabolic wastes from the body, thereby helping improve the kidney functions. 
Barley Water: It helps reduce blood urea nitrogen and being high in fiber, it also helps reduce blood sugar levels. It is a natural kidney cleanser and is mildly diuretic. 
Dandelion Root: This weed with its powerful detoxifying property, helps flush out the toxins and lower creatinine levels. 
Cinnamon: This spice increases the urine output and helps trigger renal filtration. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, which further helps prevent kidney damage. 
Stay hydrated by drinking sufficient water
Avoid Strenuous exercise, as this encourages the breakdown of creatinine
Avoid foods such as peanuts, soybeans, pumpkin seeds, and seafood as they increase the creatinine production
Replace sodas, tea, and coffee with herbal teas and water

Karma Ayurveda’s Ayurvedic Treatment

An eminent, world famous Dr. Puneet Dhawan, the co-founder of Karma Ayurveda, has helped thousands of patients to improve the functioning of their kidneys and improve creatinine levels through his Creatinine Treatment in Ayurveda. The patients who were already on dialysis safely stopped taking dialysis treatment after taking his Ayurvedic Treatment to reduce creatinine levels.

He advocates the Idea to Stop Kidney Dialysis as Ayurveda is efficient enough to help regenerate kidney cells and improve patients’ conditions, irrespective of the stage or type of disease they are in. 
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