Ayurvedic Management Of Hyphema With Herbal Remedies

Posted by Dr Vikram Chauhan
Jan 5, 2023


Hyphema is a serious eye condition characterized by red blood cell accumulation in the anterior chamber of the eye. When the blood is visible only under the microscopic examination, it is known as microhyphema. In such cases there is history of recent eye surgery or trauma in most of the cases which can be taken as risk factors. However there can be other causes as well of spontaneous Hyphema. Treating this condition can be challenging owing to the complications attached with it. In this article you can get all the information about Hyphema and its Ayurvedic management and treatment.


Collection or pooling of blood in the eye’s anterior chamber, i.e. a space between the iris and cornea, is known as Hyphema. Vision can be blocked completely or partially due to the covering of the pupil and iris by the blood. It is usually a painful condition. If Hyphema is not treated correctly or on time it can cause permanent damage to the vision. It is generally caused by trauma to the eye which results in increased intraocular pressure, i.e. pressure in the eye. In children who suffer from other conditions like hemophilia or sickle cell anemia, Hyphema can occur suddenly without any warning. In this condition immediate medical care is needed. There are certain ways like wearing eye protection while playing games or sports can prevent Hyphema. An eye injury should never be taken lightly and you must contact a doctor even if there is no visible bleeding in the eye.

Ayurvedic Management Of Hyphema


In Ayurvedic texts an eye injury is termed as nayanabhighata. The causes are also determined in Ayurveda as mentioned above. In Ayurveda eye injury treatment is considered as very crucial and has been done successfully even in the ancient times. When any disease is underlying behind the Hyphema there is derangement of the doshas.


Signs and symptoms of Hyphema include

  • Photosensitivity, i.e. sensitivity to light
  • Blood is visible in the front of eye
  • Pain in eye
  • Vision is clouded, blurry or blocked
  • If the Hyphema is small, blood might not be visible by naked eye


Hyphema can be caused by several factors like

  • Eye trauma is the most common cause. Trauma can occur from workplace accident, at home or can be a sports injury, falls, fights or shooting airsoft guns
  • Infection in the eye caused by herpes virus
  • Presence of abnormal blood vessels on iris’s surface
  • Hemophilia or sickle cell anemia causing problems in blood clotting
  • Implant of artificial lenses
  • Eye cancer

There are certain other risk factors/conditions which increase the risk of having Hyphema like Von Willebrand disease, anticoagulant or blood thinning medicines, or leukemia.


On consulting the doctor, they will enquire about the history of an eye injury or what exactly happened before the appearance of Hyphema. Further your doctor will go for the physical examination which will include a visual acuity test to check the vision and intraocular pressure. CT scan and screening of the mentioned diseases like sickle cell anemia is also done to confirm the cause of the condition if there is no history of trauma or injury in the case.


Never a home treatment should be taken as an option without contacting a doctor as it is a serious condition and can damage the vision of the patient permanently if not treated timely. Conventional treatments include limiting eye movement, use of atropine eye drops to widen pupils and to prevent scarring corticosteroids are given. Several other drugs are also given to the patient for healing and maintaining the intraocular pressure.


Since ancient times eye injury which is termed as nayanabhighata has been treated very well and successfully with the help of medicines made from natural herbs and other natural compounds. If the cause is injury, the medicines containing herbs that possess natural healing powers are given and if the cause is any underlying disease condition then the Ayurvedic treatment is given to restore the balance of the doshas in the body which will eventually help in restoration of health.


Planet Ayurveda is worldwide famous for its herbal medicines and products and their genuineness. They are prepared using the best quality of authentic herbs and other natural compounds which helps in healing the ailments naturally. For Hyphema, Planet Ayurveda offers a combination of herbal remedies that will help in healing the condition naturally and safely.

Products List

  1. Gotukola capsule
  2. Saptamrit loha
  3. Dhatri Loha
  4. Angel eye vitale
  5. Jasnoor eye drops

Products Description

1. Gotukola capsule

It is the single herb capsule that is used in treating various ailments of the nervous system especially. Gotukola capsules that are prepared using Centella asiatica, help in improving circulation in the body and eye, and also help in maintaining normal intraocular pressure.

Dosage- Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water

2. Saptamrit loha

Saptamrit lauh is classical Ayurvedic preparation that is made using Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Loha bhasma (Iron calx), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica). It helps in treating ailments of the eye like Hyphema as it possesses iron and several other herbs that are good for the eyes.

Dosage- Take 1 tablet twice daily with honey or ghee after meals

3. Dhatri loha

It is a classical preparation which contains Amla (Emblica officinalis), Lauh bhasma (Calx of iron), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). Dhatri lauh helps in restoring the balance of the tridosha, and helps in treating ailments of the eyes as well.

Dosage- Take 1 tablet twice daily with honey or ghee after meals

4. Angel eye vitale

Amazing medicinal herbs like bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), marigold (Tagetes), Carrot seed (Daucus carota), Corn (Zea mays), zinc, pure extract of vitamin c, etc are present in this herbal formula. Angel eye vitale capsules help in treating the ailments of vision, and maintaining proper intraocular pressure in the eyes.

Dosage- Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water

5. Jasnoor eye drops

Jasnoor eye drops are an Ayurvedic preparation in the form of eye drops that contain various medicinal herbs. These Ayurvedic eye drops help in relieving the pain in the eyes and treats the inflammation.


Use 3 drops in each eye, twice a day.

Contact Planet Ayurveda to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214040 Or Check Website – www.PlanetAyurveda.com


Hyphema is a severe ailment of the eye and should never be taken lightly. First aid should also be given by the doctor only as by yourself you can do more damage to the eye than good. These herbal remedies can help in treating Hyphema effectively and naturally.

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