Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality Choose one with the Right Mobile app Development Company

Posted by Emma W.
Jul 4, 2018

Today, we live in a technologically demanding world, one that is guided largely by trends in the technologies that have been a product of its innovation. Among such technological influences, mobile computing/mobile apps are perhaps the foremost. These mobile app technologies - housed by smartphones, tablets, etc. - have led to the creation of a whole new dynamic of interaction between users, their devices, and consequently their daily activities. Indeed, mobile/web apps today cover virtually every kind of user need possible; be it personal, or professional.

Today, the world is scrambling to innovate newer forms of mobile app development endeavors, with the aim of dominating minds, as well as markets globally. One such particularly promising avenue is that of shifting reality for businesses across boundaries. It is now possible, through certain highly advanced software applications to alter reality - or at least a sense of reality - from the point of view of the user. There are two streams that channel this rising wave, namely Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR). The progress of these technologies is followed closely by the world over both by developers and users.

The tremendous utilitarian potential represented by AR and VR technologies, have made them the subject of much ado, as well as deliberation. In fact, there already do exist several excellent examples of how AR and VR make life easier for users. Applications in the safety & compliance sector of industries, as well as that in law enforcement training and real estate business apps, have led to a great deal speculation, as well as anticipation regarding the future of such revolutionary technology.

The current situation is such that AR and VR lack the crucial feasibility required for effective commercial use. For now, the clearest path forward is that of mobile app development.

First, A Little About AR & VR

AR is the way of creating a virtual/alternate reality experience for users, by leveraging devices that they use. Such technology depends largely on the capability of the supporting device, as well as the user’s surroundings, to a certain extent. A great example of software-generated graphics enriching user experience is the Pokémon GO mobile game that released some years ago; that allowed users to turn their respective smartphones into detection devices for fictional creatures. AR is, however, only a partial experience. A step beyond lies with VR.

While AR arrests the vision of the users, VR takes things a step further by taking on their hearing as well. Well, it isn’t quite as simple as that though, as VR involves, on the whole, a far more complex design, as well as interface as compared to its cousin. VR technology involves the creation of an entirely virtual environment, which can then be consumed by the users through specially created headsets (visual), combined with headphones (auditory). The application of VR software to the combination of these two basic human senses, seemingly transports the user to another plane of existence, ‘virtually speaking’. Currently, the gaming industry probably the closest that VR has come to commercial use.


AR and VR basically differ across the plane of experience that they offer to users. While the former uses graphic/image layering on the screen of an existing user device such as a smartphone to create an alternate visual element. Conversely, VR technology makes use of software-generated environments, rendered right down to the last detail. Though the experience is definitely greeter in VR, both these technologies have their own specific uses; neither being completely superior, or inferior to the other.

All said and done, however, the cost factor is a major point of difference between the two. It is no secret that VR bears much greater expense as compared to AR technology; the obvious reason being the sophistication of the technology, as well as the cost of developing it. As far as physical devices are concerned, AR is definitely more versatile in its own regard, owing to the fact that all it requires is a mobile device, therefore getting the job done without elaborate infrastructural requirements.


As mentioned above, AR and VR cannot really be weighed against one another. This is because each of these technologies has their own pros and cons; as well as very different situational contexts. In fact, there are instances where the key features of each of these technologies can be combined to work in tandem, thus creating a greater experience.


AR and VR are technologies that although of similar origin, have somewhat of an inverse equation with respect to one another. They are, however, headed down similar paths in future, with innovation, and swift advancements leading to their inevitable commercialization. Mobile app development is currently the most viable pathway to the realization of this future scenario, one that is as promising, as it is paradigm-shifting.

With the HokuApps low-code mobile app development platform, you can integrate VR and AR abilities in your mobile app for businesses. The mobile app development platform is automated and features deep libraries of pre-configured business modules, pre-built technology components, a design studio with UI mockups, and a pre-built connector to connect all these elements together.

The app is further coded to fit into a business’s unique ecosystem. The result is cross-platform apps that are reliable, affordable, secure, scalable and developed at 10x speed (in comparison to traditional app development.

For more information on how you can build your own business app, contact HokuApps. 

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