Anti-Money Laundering Act Creates Whistleblower Protection Program with Substantial Award

Posted by Brown LLC
Jun 15, 2021

Regulatory compliance at all times must remain at the forefront of every financial institution’s attention. Money launders use the system’s vulnerabilities to carry out their activities, with an aim to prevent their transactions from being detected. They use an intermediary contact method to hide their true source of funds.

Money laundering is the illegal process of making large amount of money generated by fraudulent activity, such as territorial funding or drug trafficking that is made to appear to have come from a legitimate source. The money coming from such criminal activities is considered “dirty” and the launderer makes it to look clean.

Launderers employ a wide variety of money laundering techniques to make illegally obtained funds appear clean. Online banking and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have made it easier for launders to transfer and withdraw money without detection. The dirty money is put into the legitimate financial system, while its source is concealed or layered through a series of transactions and bookkeeping tricks. The laundered money is then withdrawn from the legitimate account and used for whatever purpose the launderer has in mind.

Different methods of money laundering

A common form of money laundering is structuring in which the launderer breaks up large chunks of cash into multiple small deposits. A launderer may also sneak large amounts of cash across borders and deposit them in foreign accounts through wire transfers and currency exchanges. They may also invest in commodities such as gold and gems that can easily and discreetly be moved to other jurisdictions. Shell companies are also used for money laundering that essentially exist only on papers with no real-world operations.

Online payment services and peer-to-peer (P2P) transfers have made the detection of illegal transfer of money even more difficult. Proxy servers and anonymous software that leave little or no trace of an IP address have made it hard to detect money transfers. Money can also be laundered through online auctions and sales, and gambling websites.

How much can you get in the award?

The anti-money laundering act (AMLA) of 2020 has amended the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) of 1970, and greatly expanded whistleblower provisions. There are impacts of non-compliance with anti-money law (AML) and regulations.  The Act mandates that the Secretary of Treasury shall pay an award to whistleblowers who voluntarily report original information that leads to successful enforcement action by the Department of Justice (DOJ) or the US Treasury Department (Treasury). Under the AMLA, a whistleblower award may equal up to 30 percent of the total resulting monetary sanctions. The Act also creates a whistleblower program specially pertaining to foreign corruption. The previous whistleblower program limited value to a maximum of $150,000. However, AMLA contains no such upper limit.

Protecting you from retaliation

AMLA also prohibits employers from discriminating against the employees in the terms and conditions of employment or post-employment. The whistleblower attorneys at Brown LLC whistleblower law firm will invoke necessary whistleblower protection provisions under AMLA to protect you from any retaliatory action by your employer, such as dismissal from service, demotion, discrimination, unjustified transfer, harassment, etc. You may be entitled to reinstatement, double pay, compensatory damages including litigation costs, and other appropriate remedies. The Act allows for whistleblower attorneys to file a complaint with the US Department of Labor for any retaliatory action.

Employees blowing the whistle on their employers do so at great risk to their career, livelihood and reputation. However, monetary awards reaching into tens and hundreds of millions (and at times, even billions), combined with protections from retaliation ensure that the whistleblowers find whistleblowing very enticing and encourage them to come forward in more numbers with their insider information.

Helping you with blowing the whistle the right way

Brown LLC is the leading whistleblower law firm with tens of millions in recoveries for its whistleblower clients. Headed by a former FBI Special Agent, the whistleblower law firm has some of the top anti-money laundering lawyers who will help you blow the whistle the right way to succeed with your whistleblower award claim. As an anti-money laundering whistleblower, you need to follow certain procedures and submit your information in the correct format to file your Qui Tam or whistleblower claim.  Failing to do so may not qualify you for the whistleblower status and subsequent potential whistleblower award.

The top anti-money laundering lawyers will guide you at each step to file your Qui Tam case under seal (anonymously) for the best outcomes. Note that under AMLA, it is mandatory to use a whistleblower law firm to file your Qui Tam case. Your identity will be kept secret until it becomes necessary to complete the investigation of the alleged fraud.

Maintaining the confidentiality of your information

The top whistleblower law firm won’t charge you anything until you are paid your whistleblower award in cash. In case your information is not found to qualify for a Qui Tam or whistleblower case by the top anti-money laundering lawyers at the Brown LLC, it will be kept confidential and not disclosed to anybody as the whistleblower law firm is bound by its attorney-client privileges.

In addition to working closely with the clients, top anti-money laundering lawyers at the Brown LLC whistleblower law firm render the most precise anti-money laundering advice to assist you. Call Brown LLC whistleblower law firm’s top whistleblower attorneys at its anti-money laundering whistleblower hotline number at (877) 561-0000 for a free and confidential conversation. You can also visit for more information on the services provided by Brown LLC. 

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