Am I in Love Quiz - How Could You Tell If You Are In Love

Posted by Elijah Levi
Nov 29, 2020
Is it love, crush, or lust? How can I tell if I'm in love? Do I take some Am I in Love quiz? It is the most common question yet has the most complex answers. The answers are not easy. Sometimes, love is misinterpreted as an attraction to one person. They say that some people fall in and out of love right away. Perhaps what they considered as love isn't love after all. Some even confuse them with lust.

Honestly speaking, a lot of people are new to this. It is a relatively new concept and one doesn't know what to expect. It may be overwhelming, confusing, and pressure to some. So exactly, what is love? Does it have an end? These are some questions that can't be easily answered. However, here's how you would know that it is love. You don't need to take an Am I in love quiz for that? You don't even need a bachelor's degree in philosophy or social anthropology to get an idea of what love is.

1. You're in love when you understand one another

You feel that something's wrong with your partner, you immediately understand what he's going through. Not all people get the picture right away. If you are in love with the guy, you immediately know it.

2. You're in love when you feel that you have butterflies in your stomach

This sounds cliché but it's real. A person gets so giddy every time he or she sees her loved one. There's that eccentric excitement that one could not contain.

3. You're in love when you want to know everything about them

Love can be mysterious. You would want to search and know more about your partner. You feel that everything he says about his life interests you. You enjoy talking to him and getting to know him from all angles.

4. You're in love when you want to do something extra special

Love can make a person want to surprise someone with little acts of kindness. You know you're in love when you surprise him with dinner. You make an extra effort to whip up some of his favorite dishes.

5. You're in love when you feel sad if your partner gets hurt

In love, the feeling is mutual. You get hurt when you see your partner crying. You sympathize with them. Moreover, you don't want your partner to get hurt.

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