A Comprehensive List of Top dApp Development Platforms

Posted by Pravin Dwivedi
Feb 16, 2023



A blockchain is a distributed ledger, meaning that it's distributed across a network of computers and has no single server or point of failure. This makes it incredibly resilient and secure, but also means that it requires some level of decentralization to function properly.

Decentralized applications (or "dApps" for short) are becoming more popular because they're faster than traditional apps and can be built on top of any existing blockchain infrastructure. If you're interested in learning more about dApp development platforms or looking for some inspiration, we've put together this list!


EOSIO is a platform for building and deploying decentralized applications. EOSIO is designed to scale to millions of transactions per second, eliminate user fees, allow for quick and easy deployment of decentralized applications, provide all the required tools needed to build an application on it and make it interoperable with other blockchains such as Ethereum or Bitcoin.


Ethereum is a blockchain-based decentralized platform for apps that run smart contracts. Ethereum has its own virtual machine and language, called Solidity. Ethereum is the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization after Bitcoin (BTC).

If you're planning on building an app for Ethereum, you'll need to know about the following:

The programming languages of Solidity and Serpent are used in developing DApps on Ethereum's network; these languages have been designed specifically for writing decentralized applications in javascript.

Solidity is one of two main languages used by programmers who want to build DApps for ETH; it was developed by Gavin Wood at Ethcore Ltd., with input from Vitalik Buterin at Ethereum Community Council (ERC).


NEO is a "smart economy" that seeks to solve the problems of today's technology-based world by creating an environment where assets can be exchanged and managed independently of third parties.

Ramestta  :- 

Ramestta is EVM based Layer 2 Blockchain Solution, built by a decentralized team of contributors from all over the world. The RAMA Coin is used to pay transaction fees for prospective dApps that operate on the Ramestta blockchain, as well as for staking to secure the network. RAMA Coin is intended to be a utility token that serves as a means of payment and settlement amongst members in the Ramestta Network's ecosystem.


Scale your Decentralized app in 30 mins. Ramestta Network provides a scalable solution with the greatest transaction capacity of 70,000 TPS in a single sidechain. It has developed its own Layer 1 (PoW) and Layer 2 (PoS) solutions to ensure quicker transaction times and reduced transaction fees in the future. We don’t believe in traditional companies, hierarchy, and management. Anyone is welcome to contribute code, ideas, or anything else that can help make our vision a reality! Track Ramestta (Rama) on Ramascan

NEO was created by Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang in 2014 as an ecosystem for blockchain applications. It aims to become the most important platform for smart contracts, digital identity and distributed storage solutions through its decentralized public chain system named MainNet. Besides that, NEO also provides several other services such as wallet and payment processing solutions for merchants or consumers who are interested in using the NEP5 token standard on their own platforms without having to rely on any other service provider (like coinbase).


Lisk is a blockchain application platform. It's written in JavaScript and can be used to develop web, mobile and desktop applications. The project was founded by Max Kordek and Oliver Beddows in 2016. Lisk is based in Germany, but has offices around the world including Amsterdam, London and San Francisco as well as development hubs like Prague (Czech Republic) or Tallinn (Estonia).

Lisk uses a sidechain concept which allows developers to create their own custom token based on Bitcoin Core's mainchain codebase without having to go through the process of forking Bitcoin itself - this makes it easier for new projects like yours to get started with no additional costs involved!

Cardano (ADA)

Cardano (ADA) is a third-generation blockchain, which means that it uses a modified version of the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism found in the Bitcoin blockchain. Cardano's smart contract platform aims to be Turing complete and fully compatible with Ethereum's smart contracts. The project's goal is to develop an open source protocol for decentralized applications on top of its blockchain.

Cardano also has its own cryptocurrency called ADA, which trades on several exchanges and is currently ranked as one of the top cryptocurrencies by market cap at over $1 billion USD per coin with more than $13 billion USD circulating throughout various exchanges worldwide.

Quorum and XRP (+L5)

Quorum is a permissioned blockchain that's based on Ethereum and offers a wide range of features. It's designed to be used by enterprises to build distributed applications (DApps).

The XRP digital asset can be used to pay transaction fees on the Ripple network, which makes it an attractive option for developers who want to build DApps using this platform.

L5 is an open source programming language for Ethereum that allows programmers to write smart contracts in JavaScript or Solidity, instead of having them written in C++ or Java respectively.


It's important to note that all of the platforms on this list are open-source, meaning they can be modified and improved by anyone with the knowledge necessary to do so.

The great thing about using a platform like Ethereum is that you can use it for your DApp without having any prior programming experience (as long as you know how to code). This makes it easy for people who have little experience with coding or cryptocurrency but have an idea for an application that could be used in some way by others.

The downside is that many of these platforms require users who already know how to program before being able to develop apps on them--which may deter those who aren't quite ready yet!


We’ve covered a lot of ground here, and we hope that you feel more informed about this space. It can be a bit overwhelming, but the good news is that there are plenty of options out there for those looking to build their own blockchain or dApp. With so many platforms on the market—and with more being created every day—it’s important to do your research before making any decisions about which project will best suit your needs.

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