7 Things People Need to Understand About Arranged Marriage

Posted by Astro Ved
Jul 10, 2020

Marriage is a commitment that two individuals undertake to spend a lifetime together. While many communities believe in arranged marriages for their children, in others, the individuals find their future mate they wish to spend the rest of their lives with.

Marriages are meant as a lifetime commitment. Do arranged marriages or love marriages fulfill this commitment? Society is more adaptable to changes today. However, just as there are misconceptions about love marriages doomed to fail, arranged marriages too are misinterpreted in more ways than one.


1.Arranged Marriage Need Not be Forced

Normally, in an arranged marriage, two individuals meet through family, friends, and online match-making services. Both parties agree to meet, and the couple is allowed courtship on most occasions. In such cases, the parents make enquiries about the other family, and there is every opportunity for the couple to interact in person and have more opportunities for communication. The children have the choice to state if a prospective partner is compatible or not. Parents also want to be certain they can see the other family as their extended family in the future. There are instances of forced marriages, but arranged marriages do not mean they are forced, especially on the woman.

2.Parental Advice on Choice of Partner Can be Valuable

In the case of an arranged marriage, the practice is normally seen as an ancient custom where the potential couple is not allowed their opinion. Parents have the wisdom of experience in the commitment of marriage, and they can share valuable inputs about what or how marriage works and how a partner can be perceived. They do not burden the children with their opinion, unlike in their times when elders decided everything. Parents do give the children the leeway to decide and give them valuable guidance about choosing a partner.


3. Knowing a Prospective Partner's Intentions Ahead of Marriage- A Plus

In an arranged marriage, the potential partners are fully aware of the effects and repercussions of a commitment, and they would rather choose to speak about their values, goals, and perceptions to see if they have compatibility to some extent. The prospective partners tend to be careful to have more open discussions about what they are looking for in a partner. This can shed light and help the individuals seek clarity in their prospective partners in the initial talks or the courtship days ahead of the marriage. There is always a choice.


4.Common Backgrounds, Traditions, an Advantage

Those born with the same values and beliefs in one's customs and traditions generally have no differences of opinion and appreciate the fact that as a couple, they can pass down the same heritage and legacy to their children.People sharing similar or identical backgrounds have no issues understanding each other in these matters and share similar views on what traditions to follow or on raising a family. When traditions and customs are learned from childhood and inculcated at a young age, then individuals grow up with the values and later can be in tandem with one's prospective partner.


 5.One Committed Relationship is Better than Several Testers

The norm is that in today's fast-moving society, there are many opportunities to meet people and experience relationships until the individual settles down. The younger generation feel the need to use their individual opinions to decide who is that potential life-partner. Although this experience gained can help choose a potential life-partner, there is ample opportunity for growth and discovery of the self and the partner through the journey of courtship and beyond the marriage, if arranged.


6.Practicality Plays a Pivotal Role in Marriage

Choosing a life partner essentially is based on many practical aspects, whether one wants to hear it or not. During courtship, if you realize the kind of individual you are marrying, the personality traits, trust factor, and element of safety, these should work just as well. Often individuals are carried away by the world of fiction or cinema to feel that emotional flutter to indicate love.Couples who have weathered several years of a solid and steady marriage will tell you that love alone is not enough for the commitment of marriage. Years of knowing each other, the ability to anticipate, to stand by each other, and how to weather the road ahead is what matters in a marriage.

7.Love Alone Does Not Make a Marriage

Arranged marriages may not have the excitement of falling in love and choosing one's partner. Still, it does give you the choice of traveling the road ahead with an individual you agreed to marry after a courtship where you chose to see the compatibility.Perhaps the excitement of the 'chase' in the case of love and the uncertainty was missing. However, there is a long road of discovery ahead after marriage as you get to experience what living with a committed partner is like. Love can happen even after marriage. The comfort also comes from the fact that it is a life well-shared.

There are all kinds of questions and theories, but an arranged marriage need not be misinterpreted.  It can work if a prospective couple can meet and check if they are compatible and want to take a step towards a commitment for life. Nothing can prepare anyone for what the future holds. An arranged marriage gives some indicators.

Read more : https://www.astroved.com/astropedia/en/freetools/love-calculator

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