7 Signs You Need A Dermatologist

Posted by Rasya Dixit
Dec 12, 2023

Skin represents the health of internal body organs and slight change even in hormone release gets reflected by the skin. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is advised in all types of medical domains. But, most of us ignore or are unable to follow it because of our busy lifestyle. As a result of this, various skin issues like acne, facial dullness, pigmentation and more appear. Whenever a skin issue appears, can it go by itself or need medical consultation with a skin doctor, need a discussion. 

To learn about when the skin concern requires appointment with a skin specialist, this article is drafted. This post that is based on the insights taken from Dr. Rasya Dixit is going to showcase 7 signs when you need a dermatologist. Dr. Rasya Dixit  is the best dermatologist in Bangalore. She is founder and chief practitioner at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic. Let’s get it started!

Skin Issues Need Dermatological Assistance  

There are various types of skin issues also known as skin diseases spreading everywhere. Some of them are contagious, which spread from one person or body part to another and some are painful. For instance:

  • Acne
  • Acne scars
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Fine lines, wrinkles
  • Saggines of the skin.

Skin diseases caused by hormonal imbalance like acne in teens may disappear after reaching adulthood. But they may leave scars behind them which is again a disappointing experience. 

Signs of Skin Issues

In general, there are various signs and symptoms of skin issues when consultation with a skin doctor is prescribed. Top seven of them are as follows:

  1. Redness on the Skin

Redness of the skin is a primary sign of a skin issue that might be at the doorstep. This redness usually appears after a mosquito bite which gets normal sometimes. But if the redness stays for long, these red spots might be caused by any chronic autoimmune disorder. This may lead to eczema, psoriasis, and ringworms which are serious concerns and need immediate assistance from a skin doctor. To eliminate the chance of such chronic skin concerns, red spots around any body part need timely dermatological assistance.

  1. Dry of the Skin

Many people have dry skin tones. Dry skin may lead to premature ageing. One with such tone experiences fine lines, wrinkles and facial dullness very easily. For such people, deep moisturising cosmetics are unable to provide the desired outcome, because there is a lack of hyaluronic acid in the skin. Clinically performed chemical peel, laser treatments are used to stimulate the skin cells and make the skin supple and adequately hydrated.

  1. Painful Cyst

Many people have oily skin types. Whenever natural skin oil comes in contact with dirt and pollution, it clogs the skin pores. This leads to the formation of painful cysts, blackheads and whiteheads. These cysts usually termed as acne are beauty spoilers and leave scars behind them. To treat acne and with no scars dermatological guidance is essential. A skin doctor provides various types of acne and acne scar removal treatments depending on one’s skin and acne type. 

  1. Fine Lines on the Forehead

With age, fine lines, and wrinkles on the skin are common. But due to stress, poor diet and skin care, many people of young age group also start experiencing facial dullness. These ageing signs are reversible and one with the help of the right skin care treatment can make one enjoy youthful skin for a long time.  

  1. Darker Skin Tone

Darker or uneven skin tone is another skin concern which affects the aesthetic look of the person. Dark spots can be concealed using makeup but it is not the permanent solution. To permanently correct these pigmentation signs permanently, a skin doctor is needed.

  1. Blistering Rashes

Blistering rashes may indicate the presence of an infectious illness and/or result in permanent scars. If you lack knowledge about the subject matter, it is advisable to schedule a consultation with a dermatologist who holds skilled knowledge and is known for providing effective medical and cosmetic skin care treatments. 

  1. Wart, Mole, and Skin Tag Removal

Attempting to eliminate a mole, wart, or skin tags using home remedies can potentially cause more harm than benefit. 

  • Topical application of homemade pastes on the mole can potentially induce an allergic dermatological response, resulting in the manifestation of erythema and skin abrasion. 
  • Typically, the mole will still be present as well. Attempting to excise a mole may result in residual mole tissue remaining in the skin. 
  • Shaving or cutting carries the potential for acquiring a significant scar or infection. 

Most moles can be excised by a dermatologist at an office consultation, with no subsequent period of inactivity. Another benefit of having a dermatologist remove a mole is that the excised mole will be examined for indications of melanoma.

Top Skin Treatments offered by a Dermatologist

A skin doctor offers a wide range of oral medication, therapy, laser based skin treatments. Some popular skin treatments amongst them are as follows:

  • Dermal Fillers 

As individuals age, fissures and wrinkles develop due to fat loss in the face. Eye sagging is the initial indication of aging. Later, smile lines develop around the lips. With advancing age, hollows appear above the temples and below the lips. Dermal injections are a treatment option for volume loss. Formerly used to smooth wrinkles, fillers now restore volume and contour to the face.

Such fillers are utilized for augmentation. Fillers can impart definition, volume, and moisture to the cheeks and lips of youthful individuals who desire them to be more defined.

  • Chemical Peels

This innovative treatment intends to alleviate a variety of skin issues, including acne, blackheads, dead skin, and constricted pores.

  • Laser Toning

Laser toning utilizes low-energy Q-switched NdYAG lasers to diminish skin pigmentation. The treatment reduces energy consumption and renders it secure for all skin types. There are laser toners that incorporate carbon micro-suspensions. During the initial laser pass, carbon particles are heated and sucked into cavities. Destroying carbon particles during the second laser pass refines the pore structure and rejuvenates the skin. The epidermis becomes more taut following the last laser pass.  

  • Microdermabrasion

In microdermabrasion, a dermatologist uses a small instrument to gently exfoliate the skin's surface, leaving it looking smooth and radiant. In order to aid in the removal of dead skin cells, the machine frequently makes use of crystals that gently exfoliate the top layer of skin. Skin that appears lifeless and dull can be removed with this technique, leaving behind skin that is smoother, firmer, and more luminous.

There is no need to worry about scabbing or burns when using crystals and pressure on the skin, unlike with chemical peels. The glow remains for weeks following treatment, and skin feels revitalised right away.


To find the best dermatologist for any skin condition, you may visit Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology clinic and schedule a consultation with  Dr. Rasya Dixit for skin care treatments ranging from hormonal acne to pigmentation treatment in Bangalore. She has more than ten years of experience in the dermatology world and she provides effective and affordable skincare treatments ranging from acne to facial dullness, uneven skin tone, and more. To learn more about her book, an appointment with Dr. Rasya Dixit right away.

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