7 Good Reasons To Change Or Evolve A Little Your Wardrobe

Posted by Adeel A.
Nov 24, 2020

Depending on the different stages of his life, it may be good to redo his dressing room. It's always a good excuse to go shopping.

Because life is made up of different stages, there always comes a time when you say to yourself that it is essential to redo your wardrobe and adopt a new look, a new style of dress. Tastes, professional situations, family, etc ... change and the clothes that make up your daily outfits may no longer be adapted to these new circumstances.

We listed here some of the situations for which a change of style and an awakening of your dressing room can be considered (see strongly recommended).

The seven good reasons to change or evolve a little your wardrobe.


If you've just lost weight, it is definitely imperative to do some shopping. Indeed, even if you can, at first, wear a belt, it will quickly turn out to be unsightly or, in any case, will not bring you as much elegance as clothes adapted to your new figure. That's why, once your weight stabilizes at the target (make sure it's reasonable), get rid of your old clothes and get on with your new wardrobe.


Many companies have a specific dress code. If you've made a drastic career change, you'll need to invest in clothes that are appropriate for your new job. However, don't buy everything at once, especially if it's your first job. Bet on key pieces first. You will complete your professional dressing room gradually, thereafter, depending on your finances.


If you are leaving work for full-time maternity leave, your work outfits should be put aside in favor of more practical, casual outfits. Choose a few easy-cares, comfortable and comfortable items to wear.

If, on the contrary, you return to work after a prolonged break in your professional career, you will have to do the opposite and start looking for a new, more formal wardrobe. It is possible that your old clothes are no longer suitable so you will need to look for stylish clothes that will reflect your professional status.


While we believe it's always best to dress the way you want first and foremost, there still comes a time when it's appropriate to dress for your age. Paying attention to this and addressing it by choosing the right outfits can be important in some cases. You can't wear clothes designed for people who are only in their 20s at the age of 30. This is also true in the reverse direction and it is quite possible that you can wear clothes that you could not actually wear ten years ago.


Sometimes we just want to change our image. Even though we like our look and the way we dress, we just want to make a few changes to our wardrobe. Most people don't always appreciate too sudden a drastic change. Why not start by purchasing new accessories or new glasses… It's a simple and effective start.


You have always been used to wearing jeans or pants and suddenly you find yourself wanting to wear skirts. What is the reason for this sudden change? Tastes change. It would be quite boring to have to dress the same way throughout your life. It is therefore okay for you to feel attracted to a style different from the one that has been yours for a very long time. If your tastes start to change, follow your instincts and enjoy it.

7.      BOREDOM:

Even if you love your wardrobe and the style of dress that defines you, wearing the same clothes every day can get boring quickly. It is often said that most of the time we wear 30% of our wardrobe. If you think this is the case, it might be because the remaining 70% doesn't really inspire you. Perhaps now is the time to reread our article dedicated to tidying up your wardrobe and parting with these clothes in order to acquire new pieces.

Style is a singular story that plays out between us and our wardrobe, but changing your style doesn't necessarily mean getting rid of all the pieces in your wardrobe and replacing them with new ones. Sometimes we need (or want) to change our look and it is always good to question ourselves to feel better in our body, in harmony with ourselves or to feel more beautiful or more fashion.

Depending on the circumstances, a few accessories will suffice or you will have to opt for a total overhaul of your dressing room. That's why, before embarking on a complete makeover, ask yourself a few questions about the reasons that motivate you to change or evolve your dress style. It will only take you a few moments and will have the effect of directing you to the right choices.

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