5 men’s health issues you shouldn’t ignore

Posted by Mathew Hayden
Oct 18, 2022

Many men are guilty of turning a blind eye when it comes to healthcare. But these health issues require your attention

Looking after your mental and physical health requires daily attention, but statistics show that men are, on the whole, worse at giving their health the attention it deserves. Whether it’s powering through symptoms or putting off doctor’s appointments, men are more likely to let healthcare slip down their list of priorities. 

But taking care of your health and wellbeing is hugely important, both for your own peace of mind and your quality of life overall. Certain health concerns are particularly prevalent among men, and that’s what we’re going to look at today.

When it comes to your health, knowledge is power. Here are 5 of the most common health issues facing men that you shouldn’t ignore. Let’s take a look.

Erectile dysfunction

We’ve already mentioned how men are more likely to keep health concerns to themselves, but this is even more of an issue when it comes to sexual health. Whether due to embarrassment or privacy, many men are reluctant to visit the doctor with sexual health concerns. But your sexual health is just as important as any other aspect of your wellbeing, and requires attention and treatment.

Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual health conditions among men. It is defined as being unable to achieve or maintain an erection during sexual activity, leading to embarrassment, frustration, potential relationship problems and even anxiety or depression.

Seeing a doctor can provide you with clear avenues of treatment to explore. You can also find safe and effective erectile dysfunction treatment online from fast, discreet online pharmacies such as https://www.postmymeds.co.uk/treatments/erectile-dysfunction/buy-sildenafil-tablets-generic-viagra/.

Heart disease

More men die of heart disease than any other cause of death, but there are ways to manage your heart health with simple lifestyle changes. Eating a balanced diet that includes fruit and vegetables is key, as is getting some level of exercise every day – even if it’s just a walk. You should also quit smoking and manage your drinking levels, while also taking steps to reduce your levels of stress.

If your heart health is of concern, be sure to speak to your doctor about possible treatments and medications to help you stay healthy. They can also help you detect any heart issues before they become more serious.


Second only to heart disease as a cause of death among men, cancer is a common and serious health concern that impacts millions of men around the world. Some of the most common forms of cancer diagnosed in men include skin, colorectal, prostate and lung cancer. Leading a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy, exercising, avoiding smoking and cutting down on drinking can all help to prevent cancer.

You should also remember to wear sunscreen, limit your intake of processed or red meat, and talk to your doctor about cancer testing. It’s always better to catch cancer early.


Men have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes than women, partly due to the fact that male bodies carry more belly fat. Managing your weight and getting more exercise can help reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, while also improving your health overall. Prediabetes tests are also available, which can determine your risk level. Be sure to speak to your doctor about arranging one for your peace of mind.


It’s not all about men’s physical health. Mental health is still seen as a taboo topic for many men, yet depression and anxiety levels are on the rise, and it’s important to tackle this head on.

Depression can manifest in many ways, whether that’s sadness, anger, irritability or a lack of energy. Don’t sweep your feelings under the rug; reach out to family, friends or a healthcare professional to find out about the support available.

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