4 Basic Steps To Follow While Using A Scrubber Dryer

Posted by Michael Mousely
Feb 1, 2021

A scrubber dryer is a type of floor cleaning machine. It is one of the most common types of floor cleaning machines. When it comes to commercial floor cleaning, scrubber dryers are one of the most preferred and high in demand. But before buying a scrubber dryer, the question arises in your mind that how will I use the scrubber dryer. To make this thing simple for you, the current article will discuss the four most easy steps to use a scrubber dryer Ireland.

Check The Scrubber Machine

The first step is to check the machine properly before using it or before starting the cleaning process. Correct cleaning brushes, pads need to be fitted in your machine depending on the floor type you are cleaning.

Select The Proper Cleaning Liquid

The next step is to select the correct cleaning liquid depending on the floor type you are cleaning with a scrubber dryer Ireland. You need to select the cleaning liquid very carefully, as a selection of wrong type of cleaning liquid can damage the machine motor and block tubes and can increase foaming.

Use The Machine Slowly

After checking the machine parts and selecting the proper cleaning liquid based on your floor type, it’s time to start your cleaning process. Start using the scrubber dryer slowly. There is no need to move the machine quickly. The slower you start with your scrubber dryer, the longer the scrub brushes, water , and cleaning liquid that you are using will come more in contact with the floor. As a result, will get a better cleaning experience.

Switch Off The Machine And Empty The Recovery Tank

After cleaning your floor, make use you switch off your scrubber dryer and then empty the recovery tank. Make sure no residue is present on your tank as that can make the bottom of the tank hard, cause blockages, downtime and will generate an unpleasant aroma.


Apart From using the scrubber dryer, taking proper care of the machine is necessary. Batteries are one of the expensive parts of a scrubber dryer, so, if you leave your machine in a wet condition, then it can damage your scrubber dryer. Also, take proper of squeegee and cleaning brushes by separating them from the machine and cleaning it. This in turn will increase their life and will reduce your running cost. As a whole, you need to take overall care of the scrubber dryer machine which you are using.


About The Author

Michael Mousley, is a blogger, managing director of one of the leading and largest cleaning company in Ireland with more than 20 years of work experience in this field.


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