3 Proven Ways to Improve Agent Productivity in an Outbound Call Centre

Posted by Thea Lewis
Nov 15, 2017

Agents are one of the most vital links in the setup of an outbound call centre. They are the ones who bridge the gap between the company and its prospects. Without them the business would just be struggling to foster an adequate communication with potential customers and engaging them successfully. As these agents play such a crucial role in winning over possible customers, it becomes the duty of every manager to ensure that the agents work efficiently while being extremely productive. But the actual question which arises here is that how can an outbound call centre possibly increase the output of their agents. Right from motivation to communication, there are numerous aspects which play a crucial role in determining how productive an agent will be. However easy it might seem in the theoretical context, improving the yield of sales representatives is one of the toughest nuts to crack. This article is an attempt to showcase three sure shot ways which hold the potential of increasing the efficiency levels of agents.

  • Incentives: Nothing comes close to incentives when the question of motivating the agents of outbound call centre pops up. As a part of the generic human tendency, everyone seeks rewards for the tasks which they accomplish. Agents are no different and by incorporating an incentive program in the contact centre, the management doesn’t just motivate the worthy representative but also inspires others to outperform themselves. Although monetary inducements are the most effective means of rekindling the lost spark of competitiveness in teams, simple recognition for great work is also an operative way of encouraging the agents. As per the budget, needs and policies of the outbound call centre, a reward program can be created which is a blend of both tangible and intangible means of recompense.
  • Regular coaching and training: Incentives work as an instant motivation while growth is a long-term way of enhancing the productivity levels of agents. After teaching the basics to them, it becomes imperative to assist them in climbing up their career growth ladder. Depending on the kind of outbound call centre that one has, the coaching and training modules can be altered to suit the personal needs and requirements. Teaching lessons which are provided at a consistent basis help contact centres in increasing the efficiency levels of their sales representatives’ manifolds. Apart from providing regular training sessions, a call centre can create a knowledge library where the managers can upload all the new details and can access it anytime in order to improve their familiarity with the concepts.
  • Flexibility to work: Long gone are the days when employees had to come to the office physically to perform their share of work. We are living in the digital age wherein work can be done and delivered irrespective of the place of the employee. Numerous researches on the subject of flexibility in working have shown that agents are immensely productive when they are given the freedom to work from the comfort of their own home. To begin with, the outbound call centre can opt to offer such flexibility to its top agents once or twice every week. By rewarding the agents in this manner, the contact centre won’t just end up enhancing the efficiency of remote agents but would also be able to motivate others to enhance their productivity.

Though there are numerous ways agents of an outbound call centre can be motivated, there is nothing like one-size-fits-all. Every contact centre will have to review the varied options in order to choose the ones which work the best for it. Aforementioned are three of the most generic, yet useful, ways of ensuring that the agents are surpassing the productivity levels so as to provide an overall success of the contact centre. The adequate enactment of these fool proof ways will be extremely helpful for the management as they will be able to increase the efficiency of the agents. 

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