Health care and we are losing it..Health Care Self Governance dennis1946

Posted by Dennis R.
May 27, 2011
Ron Paul, Hookers, and Heroin
Health Care Self Governance  target=_blank
By: Health Care Compact

As Ronald Reagan articulated nearly 50 years ago, self governance is part of the essential fabric of our country. There is no area in which self governance is more important than in health care. If you think the new health care law is a good idea and the federal government should dictate our lives and bankrupt our country, don't watch this video.

Full Story
By: Michael Medved

How would you describe a perennial presidential candidate who insists in a televised debate that government has no more right to interfere with prostitution or heroin than it does to limit people's right to "practice their religion and say their prayers"?

The phrase "crackpot" comes immediately to mind—and in any contemporary political dictionary that term would appear alongside a photograph of Congressman Ron Paul.


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