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By learning how to use dog grooming clippers, you can save a lot of cash and avoid taking your dog to a groomer after every month or so. The kind of fur that is easiest to groom are the short or thin ones. To start off with grooming your dog, you would need dog clippers, a dog brush, leash and scissors. Use the scissors only for grooming the dog and use them for no other purpose. The clippers you purchase should be manufactured to be used exclusively for animals, since the clippers used for human beings are not strong enough to handle the hair of dog. Which is why, the sharper the clippers are, the finer the results will be. You can purchase dog grooming clips from any store which specialized in products for pets or pet shops, and also at a few retail stores in your locality. Please keep in mind that it will be very hard to groom a dog which has long, curly or thick hair at your home. Grooming efforts for such dogs should concentrate on the fact that the dog would look well maintained, rather than making it look all chic. However, grooming your at home is quite beneficial, apart from the fact that you would save a handsome amount of money. The fact is that most dogs are very much scared of groomers and get very stressed out in their presence. Therefore, if you have a dog which is extremely shy, it would be easier to groom him at home rather than outside.
The price of dog grooming clippers ranges between US$35 and US$200. The clippers you purchase may have a single clipping speed or the speed of two clippers. You should purchase a dog grooming clipper depending on the kind of hair your dog has, therefore, the robustness of the clipper would depend completely on the texture and the amount of the hair of on your dog’s body. If your dog has hair which are thin and fine, then you should go for the one speed grooming clippers which are not very expensive. However if you have a dog which has very thick hair together with a complex texture, the more powerful and sturdy two speed clippers would be the best option you would have.
Please do not expect excellent results if you are using dog grooming clippers for the first time, and please focus on giving your dog a styling which is simple and practical, and would make it look decent and graceful.

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