
The Godfather Offer - You Just Can't Refuse!
Jun 27 2007 21:37
Earn a life-changing income with a revolutionary payplan that pays out 100% to 5 levels deep. Benefit from monthly payments of Referral Commissions, Matrix Bonuses and Matching Bonuses paid to you quickly and easily. A whole slew of 'must have' tools and accessories and guidance at every step of the way ensures your early success and financial reward. And all for just $10 a month.

The Godfather Offer - You Just Can't Refuse!
Jun 14 2007 22:05
It's unbelievably simple; all you have to do is this: Pay $10.75 a month Recruit 1 person per month Train that person to do what you have done And what you get in return is this: Month 2 - You break even. Month 6 - $90.00 p.m. income Month 12 - $4,149 p.m. income Month 18 - $262,224p.m. income And so on..... And if that's not enough you get one extra bonus - ME peering over your shoulder and guiding and advising every step of the way! You get it all at: And if you're fat, rich and ugly you can BUY all the services you need to do your recruiting and training and organizing. So get cracking today! Alan

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