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Jul 14 2007 19:03

English Springer spaniels have moderately long and glossy coat with feathering on their legs, ears, and chest, these are prone to knotting and need regular grooming,

With a good diet and regular grooming there coats remain glossy all year round and are best to only bath them when necessary.
bathing removes the dogs natural oils that protect there coat but in some cases after playing in mud or water as the love to do bath is a absolute must, in there cases always be sure to use the correct shampoo, human shampoo should never be used on dogs, if you are not sure what to use speak to you local pet shop or vet and they will advise the best brand for the type of dog you have, something to protect the coat and not affect there natural oils

Occasional trimming of ears and pads of the feet is necessary they are very prone to large knotted clumps under the ears if not groomed daily, also the feather in both front and hind legs need regular attention It is recommended they receive professional grooming once or twice a year