About our Business


A New, Revolutionary Engine Conditioner
That Works Wonders for Both Gasoline & Diesel Powered Engines!

Benefits of MPG-CAPS™
Is Odorless & Environmentally Friendly.
Improves your Engine’s Performance.
Works with all types of fuels – Gasoline, Diesel, Biodiesel and Ethanol-Gasoline blends.
Is Easy to use – all you have to do is put the MPG CAPSTM engine conditioner in your tank every time you pump your gas at the station.
It Is Inexpensive – Only $2 for 20 Gallon (75.7 Liter) of fuel.
What are MPG-CAPS™?
Manufactured in the U.S.
Produced in an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Registered Manufacturing Plant
Composed of 100% Active Ingredients With No Diluents or Fillers

Is it Safe?
Bonded and insured. Full insurance policy covering all users.
Does not invalidate ANY vehicle's warranties.
Safe and Extremely Effective.

Does it Work?
Certainly! You can get a minimum 7 to 14% increase in Gas Mileage!
Tier One EPA rated testing facility verified
It can increase Octane .4 to 1.0%
Decreased emissions 

Here are videos that explains how the MPG-CAP works


Besides testimonies which can be seen on this page


Here are actual local news reports stating that the MPG-CAP works!!


Not only can you use the MPG-CAP to save money on gas at the pump. You can also recommend this product to others and make money doing it

FFI’s Compensation Plan

As you learn how incredibly effective the FFI products are, the more you will want to recommend the products to other people.

You will earn money based on your enthusiastic recommendations of the FFI products to your friends, associates and customers, building an organization of Associates. These associates will also recommend the FFI products, building a customer base along with an organization of Associates.

Sharing the products with others is the key to your success. Your income will be directly proportional to your efforts to share the products with others like yourself.

4 Ways to Earn Money with FFI
1. Retail Profits

As a Fuel Freedom International Distributor, you may purchase products at wholesale and resell them at retail, earning substantial profits.

Distributors are not required to purchase a Product Package to qualify for Retail Sales Commissions.

2. The Binary Pay Plan

The Fuel Freedom Power Plan

The weekly commissions you earn are based on your right-side and left-side Group Sales Volume (GSV) points accumulated in your left-side and right-side downline organizations.

FFI pays you weekly commissions on sales volume with no limit to the number of levels you can earn on. You are paid based on the Group Sales Volume points being accumulated with 1/3 of the Group Sales Volume on the weaker side and 2/3 of the Group Sales Volume on the stronger side.

You are paid on the sales volume of your down line Associates. The income you receive from FFI is based on your ability to retail FFI’s powerful products to your customers, as well as your ability to build an organization of Associates, who retail the products and build an organization of their own Associates.

3. Leadership Matching Bonuses

Level 1: As you continue to grow your business, you will want to tell more and more people about the incredible opportunity FFI provides. When you have personally enrolled 6 Premium (or higher rank) members in FFI International, you will be promoted to the rank of Silver member, and you will begin earning an additional 20% on all binary cycles of people you personally sponsor.

Level 2: When you have personally enrolled 12 Premium members (or higher), you will be promoted to the rank of Gold member, and you will earn an additional 20% matching bonus on all of the members your personally sponsored members enroll.

Level 3: A third level match is awarded when you have personally enrolled 12 Premium members who have each qualified their business center by sponsoring 1 member who has purchased a product package on their right leg and 1 member on their left leg who has purchased a product package. Earning your third level of matching bonuses awards you the rank of Platinum member. You will earn a 10% bonus on your third level member’s binary cycles.

4. Fast Start Bonuses

You get a Fast Start Bonus, every time someone joins you at the Premium or Premium Value level.

This is the easiest and quickest way to earn your initial investment back and jump start your business. Not only for "now money" but also for long term residual growth, profit and income. This is where TRUE WEALTH is created.

This is the formula that people in FFI are using to build their business and earn fabulous income EVERY WEEK. Success follows success.


You can increase your profits even further by joining the FFI Autoship program. Autoship is an excellent way to make sure you hold your accumulated volume.

Here is a detailed explanation on how you can earn more money with the FFI compensation plan:


Why Join Fuel Freedom International? 
The Company Is Well Financed & Debt Free
FFI Opened for Business on November 2, 2005
The first FFI Order shipped on November 3, 2005
FFI is NOT A START-UP, but a NEW DIVISION of a 15 year old company.

FFI sells an exclusive product manufactured in Florida!
The MPG-CAPS are Non-Toxic (No Naphthalene or Detergent)
Our EPA Registration number is: 201220001 MPG-CAPS
Our Product is EPA Registered (Test Data available upon request)
MPG-CAPS will NOT harm your vehicle or void your current warranty
FFI Pays Commissions Every Monday with a Check or Debit Pay Card (Your Choice!)
No waiting for checks in the mail, GET PAID ON PAYDAY
Use your card at ATM's or points of purchase WORLDWIDE
Transfer balances from one account to another
FFI  is international because we have distributors in over 192 different countries around the globe

To get more information go to the main website at http://silverintl.myffi.biz/en

If want to save money in gas when you go to the pump and/or want  to become a distributor in the fueling industry market then I urge you to please visit my website at
:) https://backoffice.myffi.biz/signup.asp?siteurl=SILVERINTL :) [/B]
or at https://backoffice.myffi.biz/signup.asp?siteurl=SRCINTL

Also if you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at

Silvanus Clarke, FFI Distributor

Email : androidx3@yahoo.com

or you can contact the corporate office,

Phone: (407)682-0060
Email: EUquestions@myffi.biz

Compliance - compliance@myffi.biz
Marketing - marketing@myffi.biz
Distributor Development - distributordev@myffi.biz
Commercial Sales - commercialsales@myffi.biz
For Customer Support:
Retail Customers should contact retail@myffi.biz
All Other Distributors needing Customer Support should log into their backoffice and create a Help Desk ticket or call 407-682-0060.

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Aug 16 2007 14:06

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