Products & Services

Riptopia - Digital Music
Jul 22 2007 07:40
Riptopia is the #1 creator of digital music, having processed over a million CDs into high quality digital music for online retailers, record labels, and radio stations. Consumers now have access to the same Riptopia digital music service used by industry leaders. Have 1000 CDs at home but only 10 on your iPod? Riptopia turns your used CD collection into high quality digital music for easy loading onto iPods, mp3 players, media centers, and computers.
Rediscover your own music. Riptopia’s service start at $.99 per CD, or the same cost as a single digital song! Riptopia digital music is higher quality then sold or subscribed to online, plays on all digital music players including iPods, and is permanently backed up in case of a computer crash or a lost player. Digital music purchased or subscribed to online has playback restrictions, limited sound quality, and only works on select digital player brands.
25 CDs loaded to your iPod FREE